On 11/2/06, Barney Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am a css-enthusiastic web designer who sees the value of standards as
a concept but does not necessarily bow to baseless trends, and more and
more I see potentially brilliant ideas get shot down in the community
because of 'standards' zealots who are very keen to violently condemn
certain methods of working because of very dim notions of accessibility.

This has nothing to do with the person who said this, nor is it an
attack related in any way to the original topic. I am not even
discrediting the validity of this statement.

I'm really tired of hearing about "rotten standardistas" without any
information as to who these people are. I have never met a
standardista I didn't like, and I assume that this opinion can only be
formed of a standardista by misunderstandings.

From now on, please stop with the vague references to these rotten
standardistas... they are becoming like ghosts; everyone talks about
them but no one has ever seen them. Moreover, such vague references
only undermine the entire community of web-standards-enthusiasts and
gives more fodder to our detractors. If you have been the victim of a
rotten standardista, please refer to them by name and give us the URL
of their blog or portfolio, so we can resolve the possible
misunderstandings or out these rotten people altogether. Otherwise I
will just have to keep on assuming that these specters don't exist.

Thanks in advance.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... portfolio.christianmontoya.com

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