Hi. building two websites, one a personal one, and the second one a community service. okay, did these projects for my college courses, and got the certificates in information technology at my college here, for software applications and website design and web site administration. now, my site, is a small site, which has the star trek page, 80s music page, and a small disability site coming soon. now got frames, and want to take them out. now using text pad to code all my pages, and now how do i take out the frames, and put in div tags, and also need to fix out the layout and coding of my tables, unless, is there some thing else i can use instead of tables, for the star trek cast for each series. also looking to take out the keyboard shortcuts, and using jaws, to vallidate that my pages is accessible for people with disabilities, as i am totally blind and use speech to navigate round in windows 2000. and internet explorer 6.0, and jaws version 6.10. now, also for my big site, want to have a disability database on the internet, so was wondering, is my my sql and php, the way to go, so how do i go about doing that, and that will be a lter task. now, also got a contact form, but need helpp in redirecting the page when submitted to a thank you page, and now is there a script, to vallidate if fields are empty, and also security for my page. have not got a site yet, as tried http://www.bravenet.com and http://www.awardspace.com, not very speech friendly. so if you can help me out, send via regular e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit my Jaws Australia group to contact me on http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/JawsOz/ and need your help, a dummy page, a template, so can then copy and paste my code into the existing template, and a document, explaining what changes you made.
would take you 3 to 4 hours max.
now, need your help, so if you can help me out, let me know asap.
would like to get started this week if possible.
now can you also suggest a speech, friendly, free webhost in australia or overseas, until i get a paid host, some time in 2007.
cheers Marvin.

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