Add background-position: left bottom to those images.

On Fri, 03 Nov 2006 12:55:16 +1000, Robin @ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Could anyone please tell me why my background image is displaying below my background image in ie and not in firefox and how can I fix it in ie please?

I have validated both css and html.

Thanks in advance

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Jan Brasna
Sent: Friday, 3 November 2006 3:09 p.m.
Subject: Re: [WSG] Articles/reasearch/experience of screen readers

I would love any links to articles/archived polemic/research studies/the
appropriate list... If anybody here has actual experience of a screen
reader, I would be overjoyed to hear from them.

Joe Clark or James Edwards aka Brothercake are practicing screen reader
testing with various some-technology-enabled sites to test AT
behaviour.[1][2] (Plus there's one more on this from Bruce Lawson.[3])

If you're looking for a dedicated forum, you could try [4] ...

BTW I use VoiceOver on MacOS X pretty often. The same goes for inverted
color scheme or zoomed screen - my eyes simply hurt after a whole day
stuck to a display...

The issue I see nowadays is where the assistive technology doesn't quite
catch up with the recent best-practice (sorry to lean it all towards
JS/DOM...). One thing is having an accessible content, however I really
believe the AT should be built in the system in such way that it could
really handle all the information a sighted user could get, and process
it for the screen reader. Derek, I'm talking about non-linear DOM
changes or generally event announcement. I think we quite agreed on that
with Tomas Caspers and Brothercake.

BTW a half year ago I commented on this topic under Garrett's
article[5], and maybe made the same mistake of mentioning turning JS off
as Derek did some time ago if I'm not mistaken.


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