On 11/3/06, Donna Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Liquid designs, sized with percentage width, and the brilliant "Jello
> layout" from Mike Purvis[1] behave in a bizarre manner in IE 7 when
> page zoom is applied. It's as though the entire page grows or shrinks
> regardless of the window constraints, throwing a horizontal scrollbar
> when zoomed in (Ctrl +), and occupying only part of the browser window
> when zoomed out (Ctrl -).
> Even Nick Cowie's "Elastic fluid design" [2] suffers this fate.
> Does anyone have a solution?

Hi David:  I'm curious how this differs from Opera's zoom.  That's the
way Opera seems to work to me.  I don't even have IE7 yet but have been
thinking that its having "Zoom" will mean a lot more attention paid to
dealing with its Zoom.  I saw in a screen shot that the Zoom is very
"out-front", being on the bottom-right of the status bar, so that means
more people will be using it.

Its a totally different thing than increasing the font-size and I'm
assuming there will be more discussion of it, as IE7 becomes more
prevalent.  Just realized I have my "invite" from MS to download IE7!!
That little update icon has been showing for a bit but I hadn't bothered
to check it (I don't have auto updates on).  Yes, I guess its time,
November 1 is what they said and now it is November 2.  Well, it will
have to wait, I want to check out the "standalone IE6" stuff first.

It would be great though if someone who has both IE7 and Opera could
tell us how the Zooms are similar or different.

I don't have time to share screenshots, but they both handle pages like:

[1] <http://www.positioniseverything.net/articles/jello-expo.html>

somewhat differently, though come to think of it, I wouldn't say it's
wrong. Turns out David seems to think that zoom keeps the page within
the viewport, which is not how zoom works... both implementations have
their issues, and a simple text-resizing feature would probably be
helpful for both browsers.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... portfolio.christianmontoya.com

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