'The point'. Very interesting notion.

Presumably, sticking any kind of extra markup in is going to cause you to have to put in as much attention, effort and typing (at least) as putting in the space manually, and css can't yet select sub-element 'objects'. So seeing as you need extra markup anyway, you are in a sense being just as much, if not more, of a burden with content (bizarre spans all over the place or one more space?).

The advantage of javascript is that the spaces can be procedurally generated, which removes the odious task of parsing every sentence in this new class, or telling all your writers to manually double-space.


Christian Montoya wrote:
As for Javascript, the whole point of Javascript solutions is to
"fake" a technique by adding in the same amount of markup as you would
in the plain HTML case, but simply hiding that markup from
"view-source." It's still in the DOM and you can see it with
"view-generated-source," so there's no reason why a Javascript
alternative to an HTML/CSS technique is going to be any lighter.

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