On 11/12/06, Kepler Gelotte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking for a simple bit of javascript to do the same for the form,
> something like form.target = window.open()
My other question would be do you really need to open a separate window to
go to PayPal? I haven't used this feature, but if PayPal will return you
eventually to your site, couldn't you just go there in the same window? Just
a thought.

Agreed. It's more natural for the user if you just allow Paypal to
work in the same window and then have it redirect back to your site
when the transaction is done. You could even have it redirect to a
thank you page.

Otherwise, a great solution is to stop trying to fake the standards
and just use HTML 4.01... it's clean, well-supported, and it allows
targets. No need to rely on Javascript for something that was never

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... portfolio.christianmontoya.com

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