okay downloaded the cs html vallidator.
now, the only errors for my search page, was the target=""
what i want each page to do, is to load and for jaws to start reading the top of the page. if i take out the target="", it goes stragith to the navigation links heading and list.
now, what atribute value do i need to put there.
just want to open it in its own window, not open in a new window.
now, also another problem, for my Index.html page on my navigation links, got it in a folder called MarvinsWebSite Project, and then to copy the files from MarvinsWebFies, and another folder called WebPages now, when i click on the home link, it says cannot find the page, webserver or dns server. now how do i code the file, and put the folder reference or path for my links. now, also another problem i have got, and maybe it is a jaws problem, or browser problem.
if i put <p>Hi, my name is Marvin.</p>
<p>Have a nice day!</p>
when reading in line mode, jaws says a blank line.
i would like my text to just say the next line when reading in sentence mode. now, got a tip from a friend, that if i code it this way, no white space, or blank lines appears, like <p>Hi, my name is marvin Hunkin. Have a nice day!</p> now, how can i get it to read the right way, and look appealing to sighted and users with disabilities?
any experts out there can help me.
also, how do i code tables accesibly?
got my table data information, but need help there.
what i would like is to have the two headings for actor, and part on one line, then for the actor and part name on one line with a space inbetween.
how do i do this?
now, also i set up a style sheet, now how do i set out the fonts, or make them better?
let me know if you can help me out.
cheers and thanks for your help and suggestions.
ps: one more question, any good free accessible web hosting accounts, that are jaws friendly, either in Australia, uk, or overseas. tried http://www.4000webs.com, http://www.bravenet.com, and http://www.awardspace.com, until i get a paid isp set up next year.
if you know of a good one, send the details my way.

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