On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 01:33:34PM +0100, Svip wrote:
> I discovered that anyone have yet to discuss HEC's.  So I thought I
> might as well start this topic.  HEC stands for "HTML Encoded
> CAPTCHA".  It's quite easy, it is using means of HTML and CSS to
> create the image which was originally broadcasted in png/jpeg/gif or
> perhaps even svg.


  OCR software doesn't tend to come with built in support


  If this became widespread, then spammers would quickly write
  something to turn this into a bitmap.

  Bandwidth intensive

  CPU intensive (on the client, but likely on the server too)

  All the usual problems of visual CAPTCHA

  Depends on CSS support from the client

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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