Christian Montoya wrote:
On 1/12/07, Marcio Werneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello !

I have a doubt regarding putting the logo in an H tag.

Wrapping the website logo in an H1, is a good practice? - always?

I have done the following with multiple sites:

<h1><img src="logo" alt="site title"></h1>

And have never seen any issues with regards to SEO.

As for semantics, if you think about it, the title of the site is in
the <title> tag (you know, in the <head>), so having a duplicate of
that in the <h1> tag really isn't that useful. If you can go with just
using a div for the logo and making the <h1> the title of the current
page rather than the title of the site, that's a much better option.

I do this sort of thing too, I usually place both the logo and the site title in an h2 in the page header and then the page title in an h1 associated with the content, depends on the layout and what people are likely to be searching for. If its a small site and your page titles are things like 'About Us' (and other favourites) then SEO wise you are better off putting the site name/company name in the h1. If it's a blog then you want the article titles in the h1 and nice readable url.


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