
As Barney Carroll mentioned in a post to the group earlier today, Google Images has changed so that information such as image dimensions and domain is only displayed when mousing over an image.

My tests in Firefox show that using the tab key to give focus to an image doesn't reveal the hidden information, making that information inaccessible to users who don't use a mouse or similar pointing device.

Matt Cutts of Google has blogged about it [1], and the comments so far are universally opposed to the change. I'm NOT suggesting that we start a flame war on his blog (he's not responsible for the change, merely pointing it out), but if anybody else feels strongly about this retrograde step they may wish to leave a useful comment there, as he has usually been willing to pass concerns like this along to the right people within Google.

If you do comment there, note that he moderates all first-time commenters. So only put him to the trouble if you have something worthwhile to add to the discussion, and don't keep re-posting the same comment wondering why it hasn't shown up yet.

[1] <http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/refresh-of-images-and-groups/>


Nick Fitzsimons

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