On Jan 25, 2007, at 5:33 PM, Michael Turnwall wrote:

I have a co-worker, that whenever he creates a class, puts "div" in front of it if the class is being assigned to a div. Here's an example:

div.container {
        background-color: #fff;
        margin-bottom: 18px;

div.container div.container_inner {
        border: 1px solid #bbb;
        margin-left: 8px;

div.container div.inset {
        padding: 3px;

As you can see, the code can get messy rather quickly. He says he does it to avoid conflicts. My argument is that you should only do that when you specifically want the class only to apply to a div. If I want to use the class on another element I can't without creating a new rule. I would think the better way would be to create the class without the "div." part first and in the future add the "div." part if I need to be more specific. This allows the CSS to be more generic and cleaner.

Any thoughts? Do you think the above code is good, bad, doesn't matter and why

Interesting question. I do this a lot too, actually it has become a habit for me to differentiate inline classes. I think it also depends on the complexity of the layout, for example, I am responsible for CSS coding for a social bookmarking site, in which, many sections shared common elements but different colors in pages to differentiate tags, bookmarks, people, sites, blogs and so on, and with each section, sometimes within the same page, or with different pages, has different requirements for presentations purposes but still share the same common elements, they are interwined within the site; on top of this, I also need to seperate the code within code from layout to presentation, because one set of code (for positioning) is used to hookup the application (the programmer wishes is to use the same id or class for one component throughout the entire site but with the complexity of layout sometimes it gets very tricky and challenging me to do ) and the other for presentations (colors, font size etc). I rarely get a chance to use ID but classes and the example you posted has been highly useful and effective for the purpose.

I don't see anything wrong or see why it can get messy if a stylesheet is well organzied and well commented. For a fairly simple straight forward layout, I can see your reason and agree.

I would love to hear what other say about this, especially those who are involved with very complex, large portal or web 2.0 social bookmarking sites.



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