I was trying to layout a form when I hit a bizarre bug. After doing some
testing, I found the bug to be more generic. I've tried adding "display:
inline;" and giving it a height, two common fixes, but to no avail.
Boiling it down to a simpler form:

div {float:left;}
.a {clear: left;}

<div class="a">a1</div><div>b1</div>
<div class="a">a2</div><div>b2</div>
<div class="a">a3</div><div>b3</div>

_What the above should display, and does in any normal browser: _

_What IE6 displays:_

While I found a kludge which gets around the problem, namely, expanding
the "b" boxes with either width or margin so that two can't fit on one
line, the "solution" causes problems elsewhere, which in turn need their
own patch. I have one place where, instead of two boxes, I need four.
There I need to resort to negative margins to counter the extra positive
margin. The net result seems like a house of cards just waiting to
collapse. The only other option I could think of would entail extra
markup (surprisingly, not unsemantic, just overly verbose). I would like
to find a better solution (besides allowing IE6 to quietly die it's long
overdue death); any ideas?

Also, wasn't IE7 suppose to fix float bugs? Someone who tested it for me reported that the bug is still alive and well.


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