I have coded for Chinese HTML newslestter with UTF-8 using inline style sheet and maybe able to help out, let me know.

GB 2312 and Big 5 have lots of unseenable issues that usually to do with users' email clients, especially yahoo, hotmail, msn and many bunch of Chinese webmail such as sina, 126, 136. I have know that UTF-8 messes up hotmail and msn, largely due to the users don't know how to change text encoding in their browsers.

What geographic is your targeted audience and are they large percentage users using webmail?


On Feb 8, 2007, at 1:42 PM, Tom Livingston wrote:

Due to email issues, i repost:

Hi list,

Please reply off-list as this is OT - but I am desperate (sorry list-dads/moms)

Can anyone help me prepare for coding an HTML email for a Chinese
audience? I have never done anything with Asian characters before. I
am on a Mac using DW8 (code view).

Any help would be appreciated.


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