On 2/11/07, Ben Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  If hypothetically we were thinking of running a course covering CSS design
> techniques, Standards and Acessibility, is there a top five book list to
> complement such an undertaking.

Some excellent suggestions have been made; however I'd also try to get
the students used to looking for their own resources online. For
example, put them onto A List Apart, get them to look at speaker lists
for major events and so on. Tell them that Jakob Nielsen often does
great research but his conclusions go well with a proverbial grain of

Hey, tell them to subscribe to this list. I was the only student in my
web design class that kept up with WSG and CSS-D and I was always
miles ahead of my classmates when it came to CSS and accessibility.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.net .. designtocss.com

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