I need another print style sheet for another site, and clients sent me this as example from the NYTimes:

Story: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/13/us/13cnd-storm.html? hp&ex=1171429200&en=2c5be196c4499b0d&ei=5094&partner=homepage Print version: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/13/us/13cnd-storm.html? ei=5094&en=2c5be196c4499b0d&hp=&ex=1171429200&partner=homepage&pagewante d=print

I went through the sourcecode, believe that the style sheet isn't controlled by print style but a whole new html page. Does this meant if there are 100 pages of stories, the NYT design team needed to create seperated 100 pages for print version? Or is it control by JS?

For NYTimes, as a reader, I like the approach but I am not sure about the site I was working (it's a department of UC) and I figure there are at least 50 pages, I am thinking to suggest a print style sheet instead of seperated print version html file. Will my suggestion a better approach?


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