I've been watching this thread thinking I must be like a pirate in the group.

I kick bad bots off my ship as soon as I see them and do not let them poke around twice or use any beyesian filters .

I try to make my site very unattractive to most harvesting bots collecting pages or email addresses or trying to exploit mail scripts. I'm on a Linux server. My hataccess file is 100Kb so this unfortunately adds extra time at every hit for this list to be checked for banned IPs or User Agents, but it also allows banning any file type being used by an external IP or domain, so it seems to stops hot linking as well as exploits of cgi mail scripts.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^-?$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^-?$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?yoursite.com(/)?.*$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?*$
RewriteRule .*\.(cgi|wav)$ http://www.yourdomain.com/Stolen.jpe

I can email anyone off list my .htaccess file of banned IPs and banned bots, there are some really well known bad ones, rima-tide.net comes to mind and the user agent WGet is really suspect as well, but could be honestly used.

I also use a cgi that makes endless links, it is only referenced in a couple of spots with the "noindex" and "nofollow" tags which all the good bots seem to respect. On every few pages I put a dozen or so fake email addresses just for bots which do get through and then in the CSS have them as display none "noindex" and "nofollow".


Just for today I will ignore hits on the above page, the cgi is called poison but it is not used much anymore, most bots do not follow the links but a few have been trapped in a loop for a day or so until I see the logs and ban them by IP or user. I also have a full page of junk email addresses about 500Kb of them which I occasionally change a few details and update the page modification date. A few bots and humans have gone for it and then I see them on server logs and ban them, I reckon that the fake emails will pollute their email spam database making it less valuable.

Junk emails addresses for your favourite spam bots;

Lastly when I put email address in forms or on pages I hide it in some javascript and encode the individual letters. I know the Javascript is not the best for accessibility but you can break up an email address into parts with Javascript and encode individual letter in ASCII, this is not a real address below.

<a href="#" tabindex="131" onclick="JavaScript: window.location='&#109;'+'ail'+'to:'+'&#114;'+'&#64;'+'&#104;&#101; &#114;&#101;&#116;&#105;&#99;&#112;&#115;&#115;&#109;'" accesskey="M" class="LinkItems" title="Contact the webmaster Tim at Heretic Press Ctrl+M">Tim</a><br />

I have used the same email address for years and do one more thing. Sorry Windows users, With Mac mail you can return to sender as bounced, so anyone with a valid email will think you don't exist. I discovered that some of the spammers allow a small window which you can return email to them as bounced but after some time that return email address will not work.

That's about most of what I know to prevent spam and exploits of my mail system.


On 16/02/2007, at 7:49 PM, James Crooke wrote:

but if I don't find a good alternative soon I might also be forced to use them as the spambots out there get smarter and more capable to getting around basic
obsticles like form fields being named differently or checks on ips. 
This was me 6 months ago ^
I just had to give in to using a CAPTCHA until a proven solution comes along.

On 2/16/07, Michael MD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SilverStripe Newsletter
> >I personally get very frustrated with captchas, especially really awkwardly > >hard to interpret ones. And the questions below are novel for a while but
> >wear you down after 10->20 a day!
> >
> >One reason I get frustrated with them is that there are great beyesian > >filters out there that just "know" if a comment is spam or not. When you > >submit something, it asks a >global webservice if the text seems human or > >not, and its very accurate. I only realised these existed late last year,
> >but they've been a godsend for the sites we build.
> I don't really think that is a good solution...
> look at email spam and how much of it gets though spam filtering... and the
 > risk of false positives is too high for my liking.
> ... we need a better way.
> I don't like captchas either and have so far avoided using them but if I > don't find a good alternative soon I might also be forced to use them as the > spambots out there get smarter and more capable to getting around basic > obsticles like form fields being named differently or checks on ips. (there > are even some spambots blatently using real ip addresses - eg rbnnetwork)
> I has to disable trackbacks on my site because the submission process for
> those is too open to spambots... (the standard process for submitting
> trackbacks is fundamentally flawed - it lacks an extra step to ask for a
> response from the client to check if the ip is real!)
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Heretic Press

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