Hello list,

My question is regarding the CSS opacity filters:

    filter: alpha(opacity=60);
    -moz-opacity: 0.6;

I am working on a couple of projects at the moment, both having a menu structure that makes use of these declarations.

1st project: www.cataloguecentral.com.au (top left dynamic menu)
2nd project: www.fagandesign.com.au/PROJECTS/UmamiByDesign/indexNew3.html (top right menu)

In the first, the opacity attribute displays well across most major browsers (IE 5.5+, FF, M, N - not Opera, not sure Safari).
In the second, the exact same declaration displays well in all browsers but IE...

Can anyone explain why? And, for that matter, can anyone explain the general browser acceptance of the opacity attributes?

Christian Fagan
Fagan Design


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