
As long as you have an audio-only disclaimer just before stating "The following object does not contain tabular data". Otherwise screen readers (supposedly) and standardist developers browsing your site in view-source mode (as one does) will get halfway through the content of your first <td> and suddenly come to the horrifying realisation "What's going on?! This isn't cross-referencing data!" and will lose all sense of context, suffer psychotic episodes, and never visit your site again.

If you can live with that, go ahead. Just remove that beautiful-looking W3 tick logo from the bottom of your pages.


It is all semantics, and will be seen by most designers as fundamentally incorrect and misleading. However your page will still be valid and accessible, and it's very hard to conceive of a realistic user persona whose experience would suffer from this.

There is a lot of mythology about screen-readers being utterly thrown by tables, but at the end of the day tables operate as you'd expect, in a linear fashion (as they are written in the code) - which is just how your layout would be written anyway. The name in and of itself of the tags is the only real contention here.

So practically, you wouldn't be inconveniencing your users, but in theory you're wrong wrong wrong. Be warned.


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