       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Web standards related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here:

Misconceptions about library classification

31 Days to Build a Better Blog­-Days 15-19

Bust a name

Banner Blindness: Old and New Findings

i love typography

SCSS - a Scheme module for parsing, querying, and emitting style information

Your Client Problems Solved: Answers (Part 2 of 3)

6 Keys to Understanding Modern CSS-based Layouts

Blueprint Grid CSS Generator

What is Enterprise 2.0?

CSS basic box model - W3C Working Draft

Event delegation without a JavaScript library

Mashable Supports the Open Friends Format (OFF?)

5000 Web Apps in 333 Seconds

Creativity Spark From Masters Of Graphic Design

Effectively Testing Your Website in Multiple Browsers


Web Application Design
Date: 23-Aug-07 
City: Sydney NSW (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable.

Web on the Piste - The Ultimate Conference for Rich Internet Technologies!
Date: 22nd-23rd August 2007
City: Crowne Plaza Lake Front Queenstown NZ
Web on the Piste is the ultimate conference for Rich Internet
Technologies (RIA) in Australia & New Zealand. Held in a very cool part
of southern New Zealand called Queenstown, it's aimed squarely at web
developers & designers, business implementers & anyone who is interested
in learning about RIA's and how they can leverage them in today's
market. Included...

- 2 days of WPF, AJAX, FLEX, SPRY, Apollo, Flash
- Server side technologies; ColdFusion, .NET, Java, Silverlight
- Certified Instructors - classroom setting
- NEW RIA's, games, and campaigns on mobile delivery platforms
- Generation of new business opportunities and added value to
current ones
- Industry leaders as instructors, and a free-for-all round table
discussion each day
- Morning & Afternoon refreshments & lunch!!
Limited number of tickets left - so be quick! Registration is NZ$540
(US$425 / AU$495) per person. Register now at:

Interaction design
Date: 24-Aug-07 
City: Sydney NSW (Australia)
Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites.

Information Architecture Fundamentals
Date: 24-Aug-07 
City: Sydney NSW (Australia)
One-day workshop run by Patrick Kennedy of Step Two Designs. This
workshop will present an introduction to information architecture
(IA), the core methodology for organising and designing information-rich
websites and intranets. Fundamental principles will be covered, along
with a hands-on exploration of practical techniques. A must for all web

Web Application Design
Date: 28-Aug-07 
City: Adelaide SA (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable.

Writing for the Web Workshop
Date: 28-Aug-07
City: Perth WA (Australia)
Vision Australia is partnering with respected usability and accessibility
expert Dey Alexander to offer a unique Writing for the Web workshop.  Dey is
co-convenor of the Web Accessibility Network of Australian Universities and
is a regular presenter on useable and accessible web writing to the
education, corporate and government sectors. Focusing on excellent content
writing, this practical workshop complements the Vision Australia Web
Accessibility Workshops.

Interaction design
Date: 29-Aug-07 
City: Adelaide SA (Australia)
Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites.

Vision Australia: Web Accessibility Workshops
Date: 30-Aug-07 
City: Perth WA (Australia)
These full-day workshops run by Vision Australia, are targeted at
web-development team leaders, corporate communications professionals and
business managers, along with content authors, web programmers and designers
and web contract managers.

The Future of Web Apps
Date: 3-Oct-07 to 5-Oct-07
City: London (UK)
Spend two days with the top web entrepreneurs, developers, designers and
marketers as we dive deep into the latest Web 2.0 technologies, standards
and practices.

Web Application Design
Date: 25-Oct-07 
City: Canberra ACT (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable.

Interaction design
Date: 26-Oct-07 
City: Canberra ACT (Australia)
Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites.

Information Architecture Fundamentals
Date: 26-Oct-07 
City: Canberra ACT (Australia)
One-day workshop run by Patrick Kennedy of Step Two Designs. This
workshop will present an introduction to information architecture
(IA), the core methodology for organising and designing information-rich
websites and intranets. Fundamental principles will be covered, along
with a hands-on exploration of practical techniques. A must for all web

Date: 7-Sep-07 
City: Brighton (UK)
d.Construct is an affordable, one-day conference aimed at those designing
and building the latest generation of web-based applications.

Writing for the Web Workshops
Date: 11-Sep-07 
City: Brisbane, QLD (Australia)
Vision Australia is partnering with respected usability and accessibility
expert Dey Alexander to offer unique Writing for the Web workshops.  Dey is
co-convenor of the Web Accessibility Network of Australian Universities and
is a regular presenter on useable and accessible web writing to the
education, corporate and government sectors. Focusing on excellent content
writing, this practical workshop complements the Vision Australia Web
Accessibility Workshops.

Euroia - Europe's Third Information Architecture Summit
Date: 21-Sep-07 to 22-Sep-07
City: Barcelona (Spain)
EuroIA invites your participation to this premier European event on
Information Architecture. Join us in Barcelona, Spain, September 21-22,
2007, for two incredible days of presentations, panels, and networking with
information architects from across Europe and around the world. This year we
will explore the theme of ³Translating Information Architecture², whether
between languages, within our profession, to our clients, transforming ideas
into practical solutions, or reaching out to other electronic and physical

Oz-IA, Australia's Information Architecture Conference & Retreat
Date: 22-Sep-07 to 23-Sep-07
City: Sydney (Australia)
Over the weekend of 22nd/23rd September 2007 there will be a conference on
information architecture in Sydney, Australia. We plan a packed schedule of
speaker presentations, panels, workshops, and inter-session activities.

Web Directions South 2007
Date: 25-Sep-07 to 28-Sep-07
City: Sydney (Australia)
With more than 30 leading experts, including a dozen international stars of
the web industry, across three tracks, Web Directions South will focus on
the key technology and business issues of the web in 2007. This really is
Australia's premier event for the web industry.

Writing for the Web Workshops
Date: 26-Sep-07 
City: Sydney, NSW (Australia)
Vision Australia is partnering with respected usability and accessibility
expert Dey Alexander to offer unique Writing for the Web workshops.  Dey is
co-convenor of the Web Accessibility Network of Australian Universities and
is a regular presenter on useable and accessible web writing to the
education, corporate and government sectors. Focusing on excellent content
writing, this practical workshop complements the Vision Australia Web
Accessibility Workshops.

Fundamentos Web 2007
Date: 3-Oct-07 to 5-Oct-07
City: Asturias (Spain)
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of CSS, A CONTEST has been called
to change the appearance of "Fundamentos Web 2007" site with novel CSS. The
winner and the two finalists will be chosen, out of the most voted designs,
by a committee made up of W3C Spain staff and chaired by the CSS
co-inventor, Bert Bos. The winner and the finalists can obtain an Apple's
MacBook, a Wii console, lodging for two people in Oviedo for the three days,
and attend the event for free. Designs can be sent until 13th May 2007.

Making Links 2007
Date: 30-Oct-07 
City: Sydney NSW (Australia)
The 4th annual Making Links conference is one of Australia's leading forums
for workers in the not-for-profit and community sectors to showcase their
work and to explore current and emerging new media and information and
communications technology (ICT). This two-day conference has regularly
attracted delegates and presenters from many fields including health,
environment, education, business, government, philanthropy and human
services to discuss their experiences with ICT, multimedia and web

OzeWAI 2007
Date: 05-Dec-07  (Australia)
Web Adaptability for Inclusion Conference 2007:
Web 2.0 accessibility - is it going to be easier?
Worldwide, there have been significant steps towards a more inclusive online
environment. New applications for improving the accessibility of content and
services are adopting revised guidelines from W3C; new quality certification
standards have been developed, and interactive accessibility services are
emerging. The ISO committee has produced an inventory of needs, responses,
and requires input from users and developers. Learn more about Web 2.0 and
these developments at OZeWAI 2007.


Job 1
Senior Web Conceptual Designer
Conceptual design isn¹t for the feint hearted! We are looking for a senior
designer for a large organisation who are at the cutting edge of their
* Large Organisation and extensive internal portfolio
* Interaction Design and Visual Design
* 6 month contract with excellent rates leading to 12 months and possibly
Web design is an important feature of any successful business and my client
not only understands this but is further pushing out the boundaries by
developing some of the most cutting edge design methodologies around town.
Currently we are looking to develop a Conceptual Unit of Design Pioneers
happy to free that fire in their belly and really nut out, dissect and
breakdown all briefs they encounter.
For this reason I am looking for a Senior Designer who really understands
the User Centred Process and Interaction Design, someone who can articulate
what their process was that brought them to the final product. And what is a
final product? How do you know when the design is actually finished? These
questions require the expertise of someone with tenacity and controlled
confidence who can talk about their work and believe in them!
I don¹t have to tell you that these qualities are difficult to find in a
person so I¹ll try and break them down for you here:
You should be able to demonstrate:
* Real passion, conviction and curiosity without being too dogmatic about
digital and web design
* Articulate what your thought process was that brought you to the final
* Have a proper understanding of the User Centred Process
* Proactively engage in all activities pertaining to Interaction Design and
Web Information Architecture
* Fly by the seat of your pants and shun formality and process!
* Work collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders ­ (we need
people to Œeducate¹ not Œtell¹!)
* Someone who rates effective simplicity over clutter and unnecessary money
making devices! 
* Strong Visual Design background
* And be able to discuss ideas at the conceptual levelŠ
Basically this role is custom made for a true creative individual who has a
portfolio to die for!
In return for all of your skills, dedication, passion and personality my
client is looking to offer that lucky person a rather remarkable contract
rate PLUS access to a huge variety of modern design tools PLUS a team of
talented and friendly characters PLUS a portfolio of extremely high profile
sites to sink your teeth into.
This role is a pivotal role for my client and of course, the need is urgent,
so please do apply as I suspect this role will be gone forever within 3
Contact Georgie on 9617 3924 or 0416 739 570 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Job 2
Senior Web Developer/Team Lead (MELBOURNE)
€ Darn nice people to work with
€ Web, online and IT work to die for
€ $85K + Super PLUS some radical perks

It is with a certain degree of pleasure and glee that I am able to present
to the world a most excellent opportunity to lead a team of Web Developers
and Designers in one of the most prolific and sought after organisations in
Australia - if not the world!!

We are looking for a Senior Web Developer who has had EXTENSIVE experience
in the IT and Online space and is looking for their next team lead position

Skills Required: 

€ Demonstrable experience leading a team, project managing and just being a
darn excellent mentor!
€ Remarkable technical skills in web development - we're talking HTML, CSS,
Javascript, SQL, XML
€ Heard of Apache Cocoon?? Yep? CoolŠ Apply hereŠ
€ Loves the web - as in, has sleepless nights up late social networking and
the like
€ Excellent communication - you need to be someone who can win people over
as you'll be talking to everyone!

OK - as you can see this role requires the expertise and personality of a
leader, a comedian and a techie due to the youth oriented nature of my
client. So please apply now if you would like more information!

Catch Georgie on 03 9617 3924 or email on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me


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