       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Deafness and the User Experience

Putting Our Hot Heads Together


Facelife v1.1

Startup, Inc - What You Need to Know Before Starting a Company

5 Useful Coding Solutions For Designers and Developers


Design for Emotion and Flow

Designing the online newsroom

Galleries: The Hardest Working Pages on Your Site

It's 404 week at Webmaster Central

Specifics on CSS Specificity

Borderline semantics

End of Life for PHP 4

Htaccess SEO Trends by Google


Demystifying web accessibility workshop
Date: Thursday, August 14th, 2008
City: London, England
A full day course designed to introduce website owners, commissioners,
marketing or project managers and designers to the reasons for making
websites accessible, including the principles and practices that make
this possible. 

August web standards meeting (Sydney)
Date: 19-Aug-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
Presentation 1: "Findability: going beyond SEO"
Presentation 2: "One Web, No Go"
Presentation 3: "Building web apps for iPhones"

Web on the Piste
Date: 20-Aug-08 to 21-Aug-08
City: Queenstown (New Zealand)
The ultimate conference for rich internet technologies is on again this year
and if you haven't already heard about it, then check out
www.webonthepiste.com and get yourself a ticket ASAP! WOTP is a vendor
neutral conference held in Queenstown, NZ in August 20 - 21st - in the
height of the ski season. With a unique offering of Microsoft and Adobe
playing happily together and showcasing the latest & greatest in
technologies such as Silverlight / WPF, Flash, Flex / AIR, .NET, Coldfusion,
you'll get a big dose of the RIA market in one place. With a heap of
excellent speakers / sessions, a fantastic social agenda and with the
activities that Queenstown offers - your guaranteed to learn a lot and have

Local Government Web Network Conference 2008: We Believe in Community
Date: 21-Aug-08 to 22-Aug-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
2 full days on web technologies, strategies, creativity, and standards. 12
sessions in 2 streams and 6 plenary sessions from some of the leading
experts in the field from Industry and Government. With an impressive
program of topics and a hot list of speakers including:
* Cameron Adams, Russ Weakly, Brian Hardy, Tim Lucas, Lachlan Hardy.
The conference is the first annual conference of the Local Government Web
Network in NSW, the theme and title of the conference is "We Believe in
Community" which is at the heart of what the network aims to achieve. This
conference is open to all tiers of government, the public sector, non-profit
and community groups. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to meet with
your peers and professionals, participate in discussion and debate, and come
away inspired feeling a part of this new web community.
Register for tickets before 1 August: $350.00
Late registrations til 8 August: $400.00
 To register your tickets and for more information go to:

dConstruct 2008 (Brighton, UK)
Date: 5-Sep-08
City: Brighton (UK)
The hottest ticket in the web design calendar is back for it's fourth
instalment. This year dConstruct will see speakers such as Steven
Johnson, Daniel Burka, Joshua Porter and Jeremy Keith talk about
"Designing the Social Web." Tickets go on sale at 11am BST on the
24th June and usually sell out within a day, so stick a note in your
diary today.

Date: 20-Sep-08 to 21-Sep-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
Oz-IA, Australia's Information Architecture Conference, will be on once
again this year. This is our third year, and it's going to be even bigger.
We will also have full and half day workshops on Thursday 18th and Friday
19th. http://www.oz-ia.org/2008/
We have an immediate call for participation - short or advanced conference
sessions, posters, panels, and workshop facilitators. Deadline: July 25th.

Singularity Web Conference
Date:  24-Oct-08 to 26-Oct-08
City: everywhere
Singularity is the first large-scale online web conference in the world.
On October 24-26, join 100 of the world¹s top web visionaries, developers,
designers, thought leaders, and celebrities for three days of talks at this
seminal web event.
Attend from home or from a real-world local conference hub near you. Catch
up with old friends (you can find them from your existing social networks)
and meet new ones. And you don¹t even have to take time off work.

Web Directions South 2008
Date: 25-Sep-08 to 26-Sep-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
This year in over 30 sessions across 3 tracks and 2 days, plus another 2
days of workshops, we cover off front and back end design and development,
mobile design and development, information architecture, user experience and
interaction design, social media and networks, accessibility, Ajax and
Javascript, semantic web, RIAs, web application security, marketing and
advertising online and so much more. With speakers including:
* Jeffrey Veen - renowned UX expert from Wired, Adaptive Path, Google
* Derek Featherstone - leading accessibility expert
* Daniel Burka - interaction designer for Digg
* Jina Bolton - The Art and Science of CSS
* Douglas Crockford - Ajax security expert at Yahoo!, and the world's
leading JavaScript authority
* Jeff Croft - web design and typography guru
* Lynne D Johnson - Senior Editor and Community Director at FastCompany


None this week but let me know if you'd like to post a job

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me


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