       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Web Standards 2008: Three Circles of Hell

Test-Driven Progressive Enhancement

7 Open Source Version Control Systems Reviewed

Anchor Buttons 

Understanding Disabilities when Designing a Website

Quick Turnaround Usability Testing

A Minimal HTML Document


A Qualitative Study of Five Authors of Five Blogs on Training and

Google Phone Unveiled, Can it Beat the iPhone?

What Goes into a Well-Done Critique

Dynamic URLs vs. static URLs

The web's future is a 'village'

Fancy Navigation with MooTools Javascript

Accessibility experiment

Killing blog comments


Singularity Web Conference
Date:  24-Oct-08 to 26-Oct-08
City: everywhere
Singularity is the first large-scale online web conference in the world.
On October 24-26, join 100 of the world¹s top web visionaries, developers,
designers, thought leaders, and celebrities for three days of talks at this
seminal web event. Attend from home or from a real-world local conference
hub near you. Catch up with old friends (you can find them from your
existing social networks) and meet new ones. And you don¹t even have to take
time off work.

Web Directions South 2008
Date: 25-Sep-08 to 26-Sep-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
This year in over 30 sessions across 3 tracks and 2 days, plus another 2
days of workshops, we cover off front and back end design and development,
mobile design and development, information architecture, user experience and
interaction design, social media and networks, accessibility, Ajax and
Javascript, semantic web, RIAs, web application security, marketing and
advertising online and so much more. With speakers including:
* Jeffrey Veen - renowned UX expert from Wired, Adaptive Path, Google
* Derek Featherstone - leading accessibility expert
* Daniel Burka - interaction designer for Digg
* Jina Bolton - The Art and Science of CSS
* Douglas Crockford - Ajax security expert at Yahoo!, and the world's
leading JavaScript authority
* Jeff Croft - web design and typography guru
* Lynne D Johnson - Senior Editor and Community Director at FastCompany

Intranets 2.0
Date: 29-Oct-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
 With case studies and practical tips from Australia's leading organisations
(including Sunguard NZ, Sparke Helmore, TabCorp, AMP and more!), this
one-day conference will demonstrate how organisations are weaving social
media tools into their existing intranet framework to enhance functionality
and create two-way communication.

Taxonomies 2.0
Date: 30-Oct-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
During the course of this intensive one day event, an expert line-up of
speakers (including University of Melbourne, Sensis, Blake Dawson Waldon,
Department of Water WA and more!) will talk you through the steps you need
to take in order to exploit the benefits of social media when related to
your organisational taxonomies. Taxonomies are a fundamental part of your
information architecture for the management and organisation of content.
With the introduction of 2.0 tools and applications, their importance has
never been so prevalent.

Future of Web Design (New York)
Date: 4-5 Nov-08
City: New York 
We're excited about bringing The Future of Web Design back to NYC in
November. The lineup of speakers is packed with designers you respect, love
and trust. On the bill, we have Ryan Singer, Hillman Curtis and Daniel Burka
to name just a few. The conference will be on 4th November at the Roseland
Ballroom and will follow a day of workshops on the 3rd at the Radisson
Martinique. Tickets are now on sale at $395 for a conference pass, $695 for
a conference and workshop pass and a limited number of student tickets are
available for $45. We've also got plenty of parties going on where you can
network and meet new friends so book up now!

Edge of the Web
Dates: 6-Nov-08 to 7-Nov-08
City: Perth (Australia)
Featuring exciting national and international speakers, Edge of the Web
brings a world-class web conference experience to Western Australia this
November 6 & 7. The Edge of the Web conference is a brought to you by the
Australian Web Industry Association and Red Horizon Events. Edge of the Web
2008 aims to set a benchmark in the West Australian web development
community as a hallmark event on the Perth calendar. The conference program
offers a diverse range of leading edge and highly topical content focusing
on key areas of current web development best practise, such as usability and
accessibility and current web trends such as social networking and open data

Wordcamp Australia
Dates: 29-Nov-08 to 30-Nov-08
Ciy: Lilyfield, Sydney (Australia)
"WordCamp Australia is being held on the 29th and 30th of November in
Sydney, Australia. WordCamp is a conference centred around the popular
wordpress platform. Matt Mullenweg, chief architect of WordPress, will be
keynoting the event alongside several other prominent members of the
wordpress community. Ticket prices are currently set at $60, and you can get
yours at http://wordcamp-australia-2008.eventbrite.com/.

Ozchi 2008
Date: 8-Dec-08 to 12-Dec-08
City: Cairns (Australia)
OZCHI is Australia and New Zealand's leading forum for work in all areas of
human-computer interaction. As the annual conference for the Computer-Human
Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society of Australia (HFESA), OZCHI attracts an international
community of researchers and practitioners with a wide range of interests,
including usability, information architecture, interaction design, human
factors and ergonomics, human-computer interaction, information systems,
software engineering, artificial intelligence, design, social sciences and
management. The long and short papers accepted in the conference will be
included in the proceedings of the ACM Digital Library.

CHISIG Intranet seminar
Dates: 23rd Sept 
City: Brisbane (Australia)
Hear from 2 speakers. Janet Kirkwood - Moreton Bay Regional Council on the
topic ³Aligning your intranet with your organisation². Also, Tania Lang ­
Peak Usability about Breaking through resistance to change: Qld Government
intranet case studies.  To be held at Microsoft Level 9 Waterfront Place, 1
Eagle St Brisbane from 3pm-5pm.  Please RSVP by Fri 19th September.
More information:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Web Application Design Training Workshop
Dates: 21st October City: Canberra (Australia)
Dates: 4th November City: Sydney (Australia)
Dates: 19th November City: Brisbane (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable web
applications - one day course. From internet banking, online learning,
government transactional sites to employee phonebooks, online projects
increasingly include elements of web application design. This course will
explore the value and limitations of building a web application and
introduce a range of tools, approaches and interface design principles to
ensure that you understand your audience and design intuitive and usable web
Interaction Design Training Workshop
Dates: 22st October City: Canberra (Australia)
Dates: 5th November City: Sydney (Australia)
Dates: 20th November City: Brisbane (Australia)
Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites - one day course. Ever wonder why
users don't behave how you expect? Ever done usability testing or found
usability issues but didn't know how to fix them? This course will provide
an insight into human characteristics and online behaviour based on latest
research and hundreds of usability tests with users, including video footage
of usability test sessions. We will also cover the theory and principles of
interaction design.


Job 1
Web Developer, Cologne, Germany

The DEVK is one of Germany's leading car, home and civil liability
insurers. We are looking for a Web Developer who will be responsible
for creating accessible web based interfaces for our web applications,
administering our XML-based CMS, developing our web styleguide.

- Excellent knowledge of XHTML, CSS, JavaScript with commitment to web
- Good knowledge of an object oriented programming language preferable
  Java and/or a scripting language like PHP
- Experiences in XML and XSLT
- Knowledge of the backend (Linux/SQL)
- Background in visual design
- Excellent communication skills (in German!)

You will find more information under:
If you are interested please send your CV and an idea of your contract

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me


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