       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

sIFR lite


New guidelines boost web access

24 Most Underrated Websites of 2008

Sitemap Submission Made Simple

DD_belatedPNG: better PNG background-image support in IE6

Opera 10¹s Y2K Bug: Browser Detection Goes Bad

Quick Turnaround Usability Testing, Part II

5 Tips To Deal with Right-to-Left Projects


Yahoo! Query Language - YDN

FireUnit: JavaScript Unit Testing Extension

The Discipline of Content Strategy

Content-tious Strategy

Changing html images on hover

Web freelancers - Freelance and permanent web jobs in Australia and New

10 Useful Techniques To Improve Your User Interface Designs

Making Modular Layout Systems

Gridr buildrrr

WebAIM Screen Reader Survey

Flexible equal height columns

IEBlog: The CSS Corner: Alternate Style Sheets


Web Adaptability for Inclusion Conference 2009
Date: 21-Jan-09 to 23-Jan-09
City: Bundoora (Australia)
Worldwide, there have been significant steps towards a more inclusive online
environment. New applications for improving the accessibility of content and
services are adopting revised guidelines from W3C; new quality certification
standards have been developed, and interactive accessibility services are
emerging. The ISO committee has produced an inventory of needs, responses,
and requires input from users and developers. Learn more about Web 2.0 and
these developments at OZeWAI 2009.

Ignite Sydney
Date: 22-Jan-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
The idea is simple - make the presenters stick to a rigid format of 20
slides, each of which changes automatically after 15 seconds, giving a
guaranteed 5 minute presentation.

SIIA Information Industry Summit 2009
Date: 26-Jan-09
The premier executive forum for leaders of the digital information industry.
This annual Summit of industry leaders is one of the very few forums
providing strategic guidance to the information industry's senior business
leaders, bankers and technologists.

Interaction 2009 - Vancouver
Date: 5-Feb-09 to 8-Feb-09
Join several hundred Interaction Designers from around the world as we
address the design of interactive systems of all types: applications (web
and desktop), mobile, consumer electronics, digitally enhanced environments,
and more. Start your year off with stimulating talk, fun parties, and smart
discussions about our growing field.

Web Directions North
Date: 2-Feb-09 to 7-Feb-09
City: Denver (Canada)
The focus on Web Directions has been, and remains, professional development.
Featuring 8 half day workshops, the brand new full day Ed Directions North,
for those teaching web professionals, and of course a two track, two day
conference, featuring 24 sessions.

SMX West
Date: 10-Feb-09 to 12-Feb-09
City: California (USA)
With over 50 sessions, SMX delivers all of the search engine marketing
topics and trends you need to know to stay ahead of the curve ‹ whether
you¹re just getting started or an an SEM expert.

Date: 16-Feb-09 to 20-Feb-09
City: Wellington (New Zealand)
5 full-on days. 9 hands-on workshops. 26 kick ass speakers. 26 must see
presentations. Truckloads of design, development, user experience, web
standards, content, community, innovation and inspiration.

SXSW Interactive 2009
Date: 13-Mar-09 to 17-Mar-09
he SXSW INTERACTIVE FESTIVAL celebrates the creativity and passion behind
the coolest new media technologies. In addition to panel sessions that cover
everything from web design to bootstrapping to social networks, attendees
make new business connections at the three-day Trade Show & Exhibition.

MIX 09
Date: 18-Mar-09 to 20-Mar-09
If you¹re a designer or developer who builds on the web, MIX09 is the place
to learn about products and technologies that help you plan for the future
while addressing today¹s economic challenges. Hear about advances in
technologies like Silverlight, Expression, ASP.NET, Windows 7, and Windows
Azure, and discuss topics like design, user experience, web standards, data
visualization, workflow, and social networks. Learn how to use technology to
increase customer satisfaction and impact the bottom line.

XML Prague 2009
Date: 21-Mar-09
XML Prague is a conference on XML for developers, markup geeks, information
managers, and students. In its 4th year, XML Prague focuses on emerging
trends in core XML technologies and their application in the real world. XML
Prague conference will take place 21-22 March 2009 at Charles University in
the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic.

3d European eAccessibility Forum
Date: 30-Mar-09
This 3d European eAccessibility Forum will focus on the application of these
technologies for a better inclusion of people with disabilities at the
workplace. Various situations will be considered, covering different needs
related to training, mobility, access to information, communication.
Concrete cases will be discussed. Solutions will be presented, ranging from
commercial products to research prototypes.

SMX Search Analytics
Date: 31-Mar-09 to 01-Apr-09
City: Toronto (Canada)
Join us in Toronto for the first SMX Search Analytics conference! This event
is for search engine marketers who want to dive deep on the techniques for
improving ROI of both paid and organic search marketing campaigns. SMX
Search Analytics focuses on the processes and tools that help you maximize
campaign effectiveness.

Search Marketing Expo - Sydney
Date: 02-Apr-09 to 03-Apr-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
Search Marketing Expo returns to Sydney in April 2009 with an action packed
two day event, SMX Sydney¹s 2009 programming will include sessions designed
for all skill levels, from beginners all the way to advanced.


Job 1 - Programmer
Damit Australia is looking for a programmer with an good understanding of
the following (in no particular order):
- PHP 
- CSS 
- Javascript 
- mySQL &/or PostgreSQL
- Linux (applicant must be comfortable with LINUX)
- RAID mdadm

We're looking for someone to work approx 1-shift/8 hours per week.
Continuing development of our main product Got_It would be the main priority
along with maintaining our servers. Linux and RAID skills would be very
useful. There will be some ³help desk² responsibilities with current
clients, so a very good understanding of English and a professional phone
manner is required.  There is a possibility for late night or weekend
³on-call² shifts.  Lastly, an applicant with an ABN will be preferred.  The
hours may grow in 2009. Please email your resume to Brendan Read:

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me
know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


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