       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Web Design+ ‹ Tips and advice on web standards development

Academic Earth - Video lectures from the world's top scholars

Introduction to AJAX Technologies

Open redirect URLs: Is your site being abused?

5 Popular CSS Frameworks + Tutorials & Tools for Getting Started

Exploring SEO - Part 2: Create something worth finding - zumio

Is mobile web development compatible with the One Web?

Colors In Corporate Branding And Design

Five Simple Steps

JavaScript Reference

Are Social Media Consultants Harming Social Media?

Screen Reader Survey Results

Previous and Next Actions in Web Forms

Pipl - People Search

5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter

iPlotz: wireframing, mockups and prototyping for websites and applications

Improving the blacklabel CSS

Radar's Photo Sharing App Comes to the iPhone

User Experience Deliverables

Userfly - instant web usability testing

A Detailed Look at the 960 CSS Framework

Headings, heading hierarchy, and document outlines

Sprite Optimization

ARN - Microsoft delivers IE8 release candidate

CSSCRAP - naturally scary design


Validator S.A.C. - Stand-Alone W3C HTML Validator Application for Mac OS X


Web Directions North
Date: 2-Feb-09 to 7-Feb-09
City: Denver (Canada)
The focus on Web Directions has been, and remains, professional development.
Featuring 8 half day workshops, the brand new full day Ed Directions North,
for those teaching web professionals, and of course a two track, two day
conference, featuring 24 sessions.

WSG Canberra meeting
Date: 4-Feb-09
City: Canberra (Australia)
Presentation 1: Jessica Enders, Formulate Information Design - Zebra
striping: the mouse that roared. Presentation 2: Donna Spencer, Maadmob -
Involving Users: Why is it so hard to do the right thing?

Interaction 2009 - Vancouver
Date: 5-Feb-09 to 8-Feb-09
Join several hundred Interaction Designers from around the world as we
address the design of interactive systems of all types: applications (web
and desktop), mobile, consumer electronics, digitally enhanced environments,
and more. Start your year off with stimulating talk, fun parties, and smart
discussions about our growing field.

Launch48 - 48 hours to launch a web app
Date: 6-Feb-09 to 8-Feb-09
City: London (UK)
Launch48 is an event for anyone wishing to get involved in a new business
and launch a web app.  The event last 48 hours and the participants are
encouraged to work together to find an idea, develop the solution, and
launch the product within 48 hours.  There will be a range of people
attending from developers and designers to venture capitalists and
entrepreneurs.  The event is open to everyone although positions are

SMX West
Date: 10-Feb-09 to 12-Feb-09
City: California (USA)
With over 50 sessions, SMX delivers all of the search engine marketing
topics and trends you need to know to stay ahead of the curve ‹ whether
you¹re just getting started or an an SEM expert.

Date: 16-Feb-09 to 20-Feb-09
City: Wellington (New Zealand)
5 full-on days. 9 hands-on workshops. 26 kick ass speakers. 26 must see
presentations. Truckloads of design, development, user experience, web
standards, content, community, innovation and inspiration.

Demystifying Web Accessibility Training Course
Date: Monday 16th February 2009 (1 Day)
City: London, England
Description: This course is designed to introduce website owners,
commissioners, marketing or project managers and designers to the
reasons for making websites accessible, including the principles and
practices that make this possible.

Web Accessibility - Transitioning from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0 Training
Date: Tuesday 17th February 2009 (1/2 Day - AM)
City: London, England
Description: A practical course to introduce the newly released
guidelines for web accessibility, the Web Accessibility Content
Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0). It will enable and inform web managers,
designers and developers, who have been working with WCAG 1.0 to start
using WCAG 2.0.

Hidden Barriers to Web Accessibility Training Course
Date: Tuesday 17th February 2009 (1/2 Day - PM)
City: London, England
Description: A technical course, designed to enable website designers,
developers and programmers to identify and cure some common, but less
obvious accessibility problems on their web sites.

Web Accessibility - Beyond The Basics Training Course
Date: Wednesday 18th February 2009 (1 Day)
City: London, England
Description: This is a technical course designed to enable website
designers, developers and programmers, to make informed best practice
choices with some of the more advanced techniques of accessible web
design by looking at forms, structure, JavaScript and CSS (Cascading
Style Sheets).

Web Accessibility Testing Training Course
Date: Thursday 19th February 2009 (1 Day)
City: London, England
Description: This practical workshop guides you through web
accessibility testing techniques, introducing tools and providing
tangible examples. It focuses on testing carried out using dedicated
testing tools, simple browser tests and some widely used assistive
technology software, such as screen readers. The workshop illustrates
both automated and manual testing and explains the differences between

Future of Web Apps Miami 2009
Date: 23-Feb-09 to 24-Feb-09
City: Miami, Florida (USA)
FOWA brings you a full two days of sessions on the most successful web
technologies and business trends of the future along with a chance to be up
close and personal with industry pioneers at the workshops, and not
forgetting the FOWA parties! Confirmed speakers so far include:
* Michael Arrington (TechCrunch)
* Daniel Burka (Digg/Pownce)
* Jason Fried (37signals)
* Joel Spolsky (Joel on Software)
* Gary Vaynerchuk (WinelibraryTV)
* Kristina Halvorson (Brain Traffic)
* Chris Messina (Citizen Agency)
* David Recordon (SixApart)
* Francisco Tolmasky (280 North)

Future of Web Apps Dublin 2009
Date: 06-Mar-09
City: Dublin (Ireland)
Future of Web Apps is coming to Dublin and they're bringing along some of
the most talented and expert speakers in the industry with them! Some of you
may remember the FOWA Road trip where Carsonified visited some major cities
including Dublin. We received such a great reception from the Irish web
community that we decided to launch FOWA Dublin. Confirmed speakers so far
* Blaine Cooke (ex Developer at Twitter)
* David Heinemeier Hansson (37signals & Ruby on Rails)
* Mike Butcher (TechCrunch UK)
* Simon Willison (Co-creator of the Django web framework)
* Ryan Carson (Carsonified)
* Emma Persky (Trampoline Systems)
* Eoghan McCabe & Des Traynor (Contrast)
* Matthew Ogle (Last.fm)

SXSW Interactive 2009
Date: 13-Mar-09 to 17-Mar-09
he SXSW INTERACTIVE FESTIVAL celebrates the creativity and passion behind
the coolest new media technologies. In addition to panel sessions that cover
everything from web design to bootstrapping to social networks, attendees
make new business connections at the three-day Trade Show & Exhibition.

MIX 09
Date: 18-Mar-09 to 20-Mar-09
If you¹re a designer or developer who builds on the web, MIX09 is the place
to learn about products and technologies that help you plan for the future
while addressing today¹s economic challenges. Hear about advances in
technologies like Silverlight, Expression, ASP.NET, Windows 7, and Windows
Azure, and discuss topics like design, user experience, web standards, data
visualization, workflow, and social networks. Learn how to use technology to
increase customer satisfaction and impact the bottom line.

XML Prague 2009
Date: 21-Mar-09
XML Prague is a conference on XML for developers, markup geeks, information
managers, and students. In its 4th year, XML Prague focuses on emerging
trends in core XML technologies and their application in the real world. XML
Prague conference will take place 21-22 March 2009 at Charles University in
the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic.

3d European eAccessibility Forum
Date: 30-Mar-09
This 3d European eAccessibility Forum will focus on the application of these
technologies for a better inclusion of people with disabilities at the
workplace. Various situations will be considered, covering different needs
related to training, mobility, access to information, communication.
Concrete cases will be discussed. Solutions will be presented, ranging from
commercial products to research prototypes.

Internet User Experience 2009
Date: 30-Mar-09 - 03-Apr-09
City: Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA)
The Internet User Experience conference is back for its fifth year! It
features keynotes, technical presentations, and training tutorials designed
for web professionals and stakeholders of all skill levels. Over 24 top
speakers and trainers in web site design and strategy,
usability, content development, search engine marketing, and social media
will fill this program.  Also included will be special demonstrations,
exhibitors, and a bookseller.

SMX Search Analytics
Date: 31-Mar-09 to 01-Apr-09
City: Toronto (Canada)
Join us in Toronto for the first SMX Search Analytics conference! This event
is for search engine marketers who want to dive deep on the techniques for
improving ROI of both paid and organic search marketing campaigns. SMX
Search Analytics focuses on the processes and tools that help you maximize
campaign effectiveness.

Search Marketing Expo - Sydney
Date: 02-Apr-09 to 03-Apr-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
Search Marketing Expo returns to Sydney in April 2009 with an action packed
two day event, SMX Sydney¹s 2009 programming will include sessions designed
for all skill levels, from beginners all the way to advanced.

UIE Web App Summit 2009
Date: 19-Apr-09 to 22 -Apr-09
City:  Newport Beach, California (USA)
At the UIE Web App Summit, you'll meet the innovators and world-class
designers behind today's most successful web apps. We've carefully crafted
this four-day Summit to include two days of intensive full-day workshops on
form design, Ajax, RIAs, design deliverables, wireframes, accessibility,
design patterns, and web standards. We round out the conference with two
more days of featured presentations from world-renown experts, to give you
fresh perspectives and new insights on today's web app design challenges.

Future of Web Design London 2009
Date: 30-Apr-09 - 01-May-09
City: London (UK)
FOWD London is back for 2009! Join the industry's leading and most talented
designers, developers and artists for some inspiration and practical advice.
The goal of this show is to unite, inspire and equip web designers around
the world. We want you to walk away from FOWD knowing that you're not alone
in your battle to create beautiful, usable and accessible websites and apps.
Some of the people joining us include:
* Jim Coudal (Coudal Partners)
* Molly Holzschlag (molly.com)
* Folkert Gorter (Superfamous Studios)
* Mark Boulton (Mark Boulton Design)
* Meagan Fisher (Simplebits)
* Jamie Pittock (Erskine Design)
* Mike Kus (Carsonified)
* Robin Christopherson (AbilityNet)
* Sabrina Dent (Freelance)
* Simon Sankarayya (AllofUs)
* Elliot Jay Stocks (Freelance)
* Drew McLellan (Edge of My Seat)

Carson Workshops
How to Build Great Web Sites in HTML5 and CSS3 - Eric Meyer
Date: 09-Mar-09
City: London (UK)
This a special one-day workshop where we'll take a quick look at how to set
up your own 
full-featured web development environment for free. Then we'll delve into
the nuances of 
selectors, with an eye toward advanced CSS selectors and how they can make
your CSS leaner
and meaner than ever. This will be a look not only at the present state of
selector support, 
but also its future and how you can jump right into the future today!

Carson Workshops
How to design amazing web app user interfaces - Ryan Singer
Date: 27-Apr-09
City: London (UK)
In this workshop you will gain insight into all aspects of web UI design
coding style, visual factors like color and weight, movement between
screens, and the role
of copywriting in interface design. It will also go outside of interface
design to the broader
development process, from feature conception to sketches to implementation.

UX London 2009
Date: 15-Jun-09 to 17 -Jun-09
City:  London, England
UX London is Britain's first major user experience conference,
comprising two days of practical, hands-on workshops, and a day of
inspirational speakers. We have some of the industry's best people on
board, including Don Norman, Peter Merholz, Dan Saffer, LukeW and
Jared Spool, so it's abound to be an amazing event!

Carson Workshops
The Whuffie Factor - Using the Power of Social Networks to Build Your
Business - Tara Hunt
Date: 22-June-09
City: London (UK)
Everyone knows about blogs and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
And they've heard about someone who has used them to grow a huge customer
base. Everyone wants to be hands-on, grass roots and interactive. But what
does this mean? And more to the point, how do you do it?

Carson Workshops
Design Secrets of digg.com's User Interface - Daniel Burka
Date: 08-Sept-09
City: London (UK)
Web 2.0 is focused on user participation, so how can you promote interaction
on your site? As designers and product people, our focus is on developing
wonderful user experiences where people can come together to participate in
meaningful and useful ways. With social sites, this is doubly critical as
our sites are fundamentally powered by users interacting with one another.
This workshop will focus on design strategies for lowering the barriers to
participation, adapting to user behavior, promoting positive behaviors,
managing scale, and creating intuitive user experiences.

Web Application Design Training Workshop
Date & city: 
24th March ­ Melbourne (Australia)
7th April ­ Sydney (Australia)
5th May ­ Brisbane (Australia)
18th August ­ Adelaide (Australia)
20th Oct ­ Canberra (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable web
applications - one day course. From internet banking, online learning,
government transactional sites to employee phonebooks, online projects
increasingly include elements of web application design. This course will
explore the value and limitations of building a web application and
introduce a range of tools, approaches and interface design principles to
ensure that you understand your audience and design intuitive and usable web
applications.  Includes usability of Rich Internet Applications and AJAX.

Interaction Design Training Workshop
Date & city: 
25th March ­ Melbourne (Australia)
8th April ­ Sydney (Australia)
6th May ­ Brisbane (Australia)
20th May ­ Perth (Australia)
19th August ­ Adelaide (Australia)
21st Oct ­ Canberra (Australia)
Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites - one day course.  Ever wonder why
users don't behave how you expect? Ever done usability testing or found
usability issues but didn't know how to fix them? This course will provide
an insight into human characteristics and online behaviour based on latest
research and hundreds of usability tests with users, including video footage
of usability test sessions. We will also cover the theory and principles of
interaction design.

Web Usability Training Course
Date & city: 
10th March ­Sydney (Australia)
1st April ­ Brisbane (Australia)
19th May ­ Perth (Australia)
16th June ­ Melbourne (Australia)
28th July ­ Adelaide (Australia)
1st Dec ­ Canberra (Australia)
Introduction to User Centred Design tools and techniques.  As a result of
attending this one day course, participants will have a good understanding
of the value and importance of user centred design and have the basic
skills, knowledge and tools to apply the user centred design approach to
developing usable Internet sites, Intranet sites or web applications within
their own organisation.

Usability Evaluation & Testing Training Workshop
Date & city: 
11th March ­ Sydney (Australia)
2nd April ­ Brisbane (Australia)
21st May ­ Perth (Australia)
17th June ­ Melbourne (Australia)
29th July ­ Adelaide (Australia)
2nd Dec ­ Canberra (Australia)
Discount evaluation techniques and how to conduct usability tests.  In this
one day interactive workshop, learn valuable usability evaluation and
testing methods that you can use to evaluate your organisation's Internet
and Intranet site, web applications and software. This course will explore
the difference between expert reviews and usability testing and which is
better to use and when. We will cover when to usability test, what to test
and how to test. 


Job 1
PTG is hiring consultants, senior consultants and contractors for our Sydney
head office. Experience in user interface design, usability and / or
psychology is preferred, but not essential.

Kent Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia

About PTG Global (see www.ptg-global.com):
PTG Global is a business technology consultancy specialising in business
process improvement, UI design & application development. PTG Global has
been  operating since 1999. You will be joining a leading team of usability
specialists, designers, business analysts & psychologists to change the face
of IT by engineering technology the right way the first time. PTG Global's
customer base includes the major Australian banks, telecommunications
companies, transport and medical companies, retailers, airlines, State and
Federal government departments. Due to unprecedent growth PTG Global is
looking to fill a number of consulting and senior consulting positions.

The Roles
You will be working either individually or as a part of project teams
working on projects for a broad range of customers assisting them to design
solutions that deliver desired business outcomes while delivering the
desired customer experience. PTG Global works both on web based systems as
well as traditional transactional systems, mobile solutions, kiosks and the

About You 
Are you interested in Human-Computer Interaction?
Are you analytical, with a creative flair?
Ever looked at a user Interface and know that you can design it better?

Your role is to create user interfaces and interaction designs that are
usable and geared to drive high user and business performance. You will
translate the presented requirements, map out the interactions, create
mock-ups of the user interface, specify the GUIs and behaviours, and
communicate your designs to the developers. In-house training of our
methodologies will be provided

To be successful in this role, you would have:
- Tertiary qualifications in computer science/engineering, HCI, information
architecture or cognitive psychology
- Entry level: 0 to 2 years experience in requirements and UI design
- Senior: 3+ years experience in requirements and UI design
- Familiarity with HCI and UI design principles
- Excellent analytical skills
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

Desirable experience:
- Experience in the design and specification of UI for applications
- Experience with Microsoft Visio or any prototyping tool
- Ability to code html and/or familiarity with a graphic html editor a

Contact Craig Errey on 0416 266 216 or email cra...@ptg-global.com for more
information or send through your resume.

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me
know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


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