Hello all-

I am trying to deploy a secondary site. The console says the site is
deployed and active, and all of the components are green. When I try to
distribute content to the distribution point, the package/application stays
on "In Progress" indefinitely. On the secondary site server, the only
DP-related folders that get created are SMSPKG, SMSPKGSIG, and
SCCMContentLib. Also, no DP-related virtual directories are being created
in IIS. The only errors the I can find in the logs are "Failed to decrypt
cert PFX data" in distmgr.log and "Despooler failed to execute the
instruction, error code = 12" in despool.log.

The logs from the primary site indicate that the package was sent to the
secondary site. The content is not being transferred from the secondary
site to the distribution point. Given the error from distmgr.log, I feel
like I'm missing a certificate. I compared ConfigMgr-related certificates
on the secondary site server to those on a working DP, and it doesn't
appear that I'm missing any.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

*Andrew Sanders* | *Senior **Systems Engineer *
Enterprise Systems | Information Technology Services | The University of
North Carolina at Greensboro
(336) 334-5028 (p)
107A McNutt Center | 1400 Spring Garden Street | Greensboro, NC | 27403
apsan...@uncg.edu | http://its.uncg.edu
Microsoft Certified IT Professional | Microsoft Certified Technical

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