Hello all,

Just wondering if any of you real gurus (you know who you are -- Shawn, Matt, 
Lowell, Cliff, Steve, Bob, Jerry, et al) would like to take a crack at 
answering this question for this 5th grader (daughter of a NASA-KSC project 
manager) who is doing a school science project on EVs.  I could take a stab at 
it, but I know my answer would be somewhat speculative and incomplete, as just 
an armchair guy myself who has never rolled up his sleeves and done any real 
conversion work compared to you guys who have actually done it!

You can either direct your response to Kim Weston (the 5th grader's mother and 
NASA-KSC program manager) at the email address below, or if you send it to me, 
I will forward it on to Kim.

Thanks for any help in the furtherance of EV education for Florida's youth!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Chesson, Bruce E. (KSC) 
To: Charles Whalen 
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 2:03 PM
Subject: FW: Misc

Kim Weston's daughter is a 5th grader at the local school. She has a project on 
AFV and her project is on EV's. Below is her question for her project. If you 
can provide any assistance, interview for the kids would be great.

I have provide Kim you contact information.


From: Weston, Kim M [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 8:59 AM
To: Chesson, Bruce E. (KSC)
Subject: RE: Misc

Good Morning Bruce,

How does 1:00 tomorrow (Tues 12/11) sound to you (for test driving an electric 

btw...my daughters science project question is 


What is the effect on torque of shifting an electric car into lower gear going 
up hill?



Shifting an electric car into lower gear going up hill results in more torque.


It could obviously be used with any type of automobile, but this way she'll 
learn about torque as well as electric cars.

Let me know if 1:00 Tues 12/11 is good.  I'd plan to meet you at your office 
unless you have another suggestion.

Kim Macy Weston
USA Payload Project Manager
Advanced Planning
Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. 
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