From: Kimberly Taylor []
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 10:39 AM
To: Kimberly Taylor
Subject: Alternative Fuel Views 2-2-09

Good Morning:

News this morning is electric. An editorial in the Baltimore 
 kicks it off as Michael Hiltzik offers an incisive analysis of California vs. 
Detroit in the saga over the Golden state regulating tailpipe emissions. While 
for decades Detroit has resisted regulation citing an inevitable economic 
Armageddon if change is mandated, the tortoise and the hare victory in 
developing fuel efficient vehicles was handed to Toyota and Honda. Advanced 
technology and energy efficiency are now a fait accomplis, though, and that's 
according to testimony before Congress by the big three in December. Bill Ford, 
for one, hasn't been taking a wait and see attitude. The Detroit 
 tells an encouraging story of how the automaker is plowing ahead with a pure 
battery electric vehicle in partnership with Magna International. They 
anticipate a production vehicle in 2010 with a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle 
(PHEV) to follow in 2011. Is there a market for such a thing? Just turn your 
head westward and right there in Sonoma County, pending a $3 million possible 
grant award in the spring, there's a plan afoot for a major charging 
infrastructure project and the purchase of 1,000 electric vehicles. If all goes 
as planned, implementation begins this summer, according to the North Bay 

But can it be done, you may ask? 
the leading association for the global group tasked with moving technology 
forward, has a simple, clear video (under 10 minutes) that makes "The Case for 
Plug-In Cars." With most major auto manufacturers planning for a PHEV future, 
how long will it take for the infrastructure to be in place? Vehicle-to-grid 
(V2G) smart charging is something a lot of utilities have been looking at. Last 
night, GE took to the air waves during the Super Bowl to tout their green grid 
girding. With brain engaged, the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz stars as a 
believer in intelligent technology. Thanks to 
YouTube<>, prepare to wile away your 
Monday hours with a niggling song stuck in your head.
Until Tomorrow,


Kimberly Taylor
Director of Education and Business Programs
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Institute
Phone:  702-203-4982

AF&V National Conference + Expo
April 19-22, 2009, Orlando, Florida

Florida EAA mailing list

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