Hi Charles and All,

                   Thanks for that Charles, nice work. Maybe
you could talk him into giving Regular people the $1k/yr
credit for their EV's like they are giving business's. I
need to make sure he corrected their mistake last yr when
they accidentally made enclosed 3wh MC's illegal while
trying to just make them exempt from MC license
                    Below your post is the new EV tax
credits in the stimulus bill.

----- Original Message Follows -----
From: "Charles Whalen" <whal...@bellsouth.net>
To: "Florida EAA" <ListServ@Floridaeaa.org>
Subject: [FLEAA] Florida electric vehicle incentives
legislation announced yesterday
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 21:33:36 -0500

>Majority Leader Hasner's press release yesterday:
>House Bill 879:

                My posts from the EVDL,
>                    Thanks for posting this rather
> law.
>                   Going through it several times I found
> some of what it gives in the first part is taken away in
> the
> bottom part. Links below it direct others who may want to
> explore farther.
>                     My reading basically comes down to
>                     A  10% credit for 4wheel road legal
> conversions of 4kwhr or more to $4k max credit until
> 12-31-11.
>                      10% credit for MC, 3wh MC max $2500
> 12-31-11. 
>                      New 4wh road EV's $2500 + 417/kwhr
> of
> batteries above 4kwhr max $7500 beginning 12-31-09 so not
> until next yr!! And no extra for extra weight and none 
> above 14,000lbs.                
>                      Now some of the previous ones done in
> Nov may still be in force or before that unless changed in
> this one. I believe then there was and probably still is a
> %7500 tax credit for this yrs new EV's.
>                      So if you build a 4wh EV from
> kit like Lee's Sunrise or a new untitled car you title
> as
> built by you can probably get the full $7500 credit. My
> Freedom EV may become a 4wh kit ;^D  !! I designed it that
> way already 3 yrs ago. My rear trailing arm is designed to
> flip over for 4wh use, one on each side.
>                      It also mentioned nonrefundable which
> I
> think means it counts only if you have a tax liability big
> enough or you just get the amount you owe. Some get it
> if they hit the AMT tax so check your accountant on that
> you are in that category.
>                      Battery lessors can't get the
> credit so
> Better Place isn't doing so well in it. Don't
> forget the new
> energy bill is coming up so more could be in it.  I'm
> going
> to try to get a better deal for conversions and Cabin
> freeway 3wheeler EV's. When I find out who's in
> charge of it
> I'll let the list know. Or if anyone knows who please
> tell
> us!! Probably the energy/transportation committees aids
> the ones to get it in.
>                      The new Kia small car is under $10K
> and
> I'd bet others can be bought new under that, then
> converted
> as a business, titled under the business's name will
> qualify
> for that credit. The $7500 credit means you could convert,
> sell them for $15k after credit and make $4k each or more.
> Or buy kitcars finished without motor/trans like the
> Factory
> 5 Coupe finished, tilted new as an EV to get the credit. 
>             Don't forget the home or public charging
> 50%
> credit, $2000 max for home and $50K max for public!! And
> there is 30% tax credits for solar, wind, CHP, ect in it
> too.
>                                 Jerry Dycus
> ----- Original Message Follows -----
> From: Zeke Yewdall <zyewd...@gmail.com>
> To: jer...@ij.net, Electric Vehicle Discussion List
> <e...@lists.sjsu.edu>
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] New EV stimulus info
> Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 21:14:37 -0700
> >Some excerpts that I found in the Joint Explanatory
> >Statement Part B.
> >
> >(sorry for the bizarre formatting -- that's how it
> copied
> >out of their document)
> >
> >"Plg- i n el ect r i c d r i v e mo t o r vehi cl
> e c r e
> >d i t A credit is available for each qualified pl ug-i
> n
> >electric drive mot or vehicle pl aced in
> >service. A qualified plug-in electric drive mot or vehi
> cl
> >e is a mot or vehi cl e that has at least four
> >wheels, is manufactured for use on publ i c roads, meet
> s
> >certain emi ssi ons st andards (except for
> >211 Sec. 30B.
> >136
> >certain heavy vehicles), draws propulsion using a
> traction
> >battery with at least four kilowatt-
> >hours o f capaci t y, and is capable o f being
> recharged
> >from an external source o f electricity.
> >The ba s e amount o f the plug-in electric drive motor
> >vehicle credit is $2,500, plus another
> >$417 for each kilowatt-hour o f battery capacity in
> excess
> >o f four kilowatt-hours. The maxi mum
> >credit for qual i fi ed vehicles weighing 10,000 ponnds
> or
> >less is $7,500. This maxi mum amount
> >increases to $10, 000 for vehicles weighing more than
> >10,000 pounds but not more than 14,000
> >pounds, to $12, 500 for vehicles weighing more than
> 14,000
> >pounds but not more than 26,000
> >pounds, and to $15,000 for vehicle weighing more than
> >26,000 pounds. In general, the credit is available to
> the
> >vehicle owner, .including the lessor o f a vehicle
> >subject to lease. I f the qualified vehicle is used by
> >certain tax-exempt organizations,
> >governments, o r foreign persons and is not subject to
> a
> >lease, the seller o f the vehicle may claim
> >the credit so l ong as the seller clearly discloses to
> the
> >user in a document the amount that is
> >allowable as a credit. A vehicle must be used
> predominantly
> >in the United States to qualify for
> >the credit.
> >Once a total o f 250,000 credit-eligible vehicles have
> been
> >sold for use in the Uni t ed
> >States, the credit phases out over four calendar
> quarters.
> >The phaseout period begins in the
> >second calendar quarter following the quarter during
> which
> >the vehicle cap has been reached.
> >Taxpayers may claim one- hal f o f the otherwise
> allowable
> >credit during the first two cal endar
> >quarters o f the phaseout period and twenty-five
> percent o
> >f the otherwise allowable credit during
> >the next two quarters. After this, no credit is
> available.
> >Regardless o f the phase-out limitation,
> >no credit is available for vehicles purchased after
> 2014.
> >The basis o f any qualified vehicle is reduced by the
> >amount o f the credit. To the extent a
> >vehicle is eligible for credit as a qualified plug-in
> >electric drive motor vehicle, it is not eligible
> >for credit as a qualified hybrid vehicle under section
> 30B.
> >The portion o f the credit attributable
> >to vehicles o f a character subject to an allowance for
> >depreciation is treated as part o f the gen&#183;eral
> >business credit; the nonbusiness portion o f the credit
> is
> >allowable to the extent o f the excess o f
> >the regular tax over the alternative minimum tax
> (reduced b
> >y certain other credits) for the t axabl e
> >year.
> >
> >Se n a t e Ame n d me n t
> >Cr e d i t f o r el ect ri c d r i v e l ow-speed
> vehicles,
> >mot or cycl es , a n d t h r e e - wh e e l e d
> vehicles
> >The Senate amendment creates a new 10-percent credi t
> for
> >low-speed vehicles,
> >motorcycles, and three-wheeled vehicles that woul d
> >otherwise meet the criteria o f a qualified
> >plug-in electric drive motor vehicle but for the fact t
> hat
> >they are low-speed vehicles or do not
> >have at least four wheels. The maxi mum credit for such
> >vehicles is $4,000. Basis reduction and
> >other rules similar to those found in section 30 apply
> >under the provision. The new credit is part
> >o f the general business credit. The new credit is not
> >available for vehicles sold after December
> >31, 2011.
> >
> >Cr e d i t f or c onve r t i ng a vehicle into a
> plug-in
> >electric dri ve mot or vehicle
> >The Senat e amendment also creates a new 10-percent
> credit,
> >up to $4,000, for the cost o f
> >converting any motor vehicle into a qualified plug-in
> >electric drive motor vehicle. To be eligible
> >for the credit, a qualified plug-in traction battery
> module
> >must have a capacity o f at least 2.5
> >kilowatt-hours. In the case o f a leased traction
> battery
> >module, the credit may be claimed by t he
> >lessor but not t he lessee. The credit is not available
> for
> >conversions made after December 31,
> >2012.
> >Modi fi cat i on o f plug-in electric dr i ve mot or
> >vehicle c r e di t The Senate amendment modifies the
> >plug-in electric drive mot or vehicle credi t by
> >increasing the 250, 000 vehicle limitation to 500,000.
> It
> >also modifies the definition o f qualified
> >plug-in electric drive mot or vehicle to exclude
> low-speed
> >vehicles .. Effective d a t e . - Th e Senate amendment
> is
> >generally effective for vehicles sold after
> >December 31, 2009. The credit for plug-in vehicle
> >conversion is effective for propert y placed in
> >service after December 31, 2008, in taxable years
> beginning
> >after such date.
> >
> >
> >Conf er ence Agr e e me nt
> >The conference agreement follows the Senate amendment
> with
> >substantial modifications.
> >Cr e d i t for electric dr i ve low-speed vehicles,
> >motorcycles, a n d t hr ee- wheel ed vehicles
> >With respect to electric drive low-speed vehicles,
> >motorcycles, and th~ee-w~eeled
> >vehicles, the conference agreement follows the Senate
> >amendment with the following
> >modifications. Under the conference agreement, the maxi
> mum
> >credit available is $2,500. The
> >conference agreement also makes other technical
> changes.
> >Cr e d i t for conver t i ng a vehicle i nt o a plug-in
> el
> >ect ri c dr i ve mo t o r vehicle
> >With respect to plug-in vehicle conversions, the
> conference
> >agreement follows the Senate
> >amendment but increases the mi ni mum capacity o f a
> >qualified bat t ery module to four kilowatt-
> >hours, changes the effective date to propert y pl aced
> in
> >service aft er the date o f enactment, and
> >eliminates the credit for plug-in conversions made aft
> er
> >December 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 . The conference
> >agreement also removes the rule permi t t i ng lessors
> o f
> >bat t ery modul es to cl ai m the pl ug-i n
> >conversion credit.
> >
> >Modification o f t he plug-in electric dr i ve mo t o r
> >vehicle c r e d i t The conferen~e agreement modifies
> the
> >pl ug-i n electric dri ve mot or vehicle credit by
> >limiting the maximum credit to $7,500 regardless o f
> vehi
> >cl e weight. .The conference agreement
> >also eliminates the credit for low speed plug-in
> vehicles
> >and for pl ug-i n vehicles weighing
> >14,000 pounds or more.
> >The conference agreement replaces the 250, 000 total pl
> >ug-i n vehi cl e limitation with a
> >200,000 plug-in vehicles p e r manuf act ur er
> limitation.
> >The cr edi t phases out over four calendar
> >quarters begi nni ng in the second calendar quarter
> >following the quarter in which the
> >manufact urer l i mi t is reached. The conference
> agreement
> >also makes other technical changes.
> >The changes to the plug-in electric drive motor vehicle
> >credit are effective for vehicles
> >acquired after December 31, 2009.
> >
> >Tr e a t me n t o f a l t e r na t i ve mot or vehicle
> cr
> >edi t as a per sonal c r e di t allowed agai ns t t he
> >a l t e r na t i ve mi n i mu m t ax
> >The conference agreement provides that the alternative
> mot
> >or vehicle credit is a personal
> >credit allowed against the alternative minimum tax. The
> >provision is effective for taxable years
> >begi nni ng after December 31, 2008.
> >
> >"Present law provides for certain nonrefundable
> personal
> >tax credits (i.e., the dependent
> >care credit, the credit for the elderly and disabled,
> the
> >adoption credit, the child credit, the credit
> >for interest on certain home mortgages, the Hope
> >Scholarship and Lifetime Learning credits, the
> >credit for savers, the credit for certain nonbusiness
> >energy property, the credit for residential
> >energy efficient property, the credit for plug-in
> electric
> >drive motor vehicles, and the D.C. first-
> >time homebuyer credit).
> >For taxable years beginning before 2009, the
> nonrefundable
> >personal credits are allowed
> >to the extent o f the full amount o f the
> individual's
> >regular tax and alternative minimum tax.
> >For taxable years beginning after 2008, the
> nonrefundable
> >personal credits (other than the
> >adoption credit, the child credit, the credit for
> savers,
> >the credit for residential energy efficient
> >property, and the credit for plug-in electric drive
> motor
> >vehicles) are allowed only to the extent
> >that the individual's regular income tax liability
> exceeds
> >the individual's tentative minimum tax,
> >detennined without regard to the minimum tax foreign
> tax
> >credit. The adoption credit, the child
> >credit, the credit for savers, the credit for
> residential
> >energy efficient property, and the credit for
> >plug-in electric drive motor vehicles are allowed to
> the
> >full extent o f the individual's regular tax
> >and alternative minimum tax"
> >
> >On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 8:04 PM, jerryd
> <jer...@ij.net>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>        Hi All,
> >>            I was just looking over the stimulus
> bill, HR1
> >> summary and found some interesting things for us.
> >>             Besides the up to $8500 for a new EV,
> they
> >> have a new EV drive conversion kit credits which I
> think
> >> are for converting hybrids but might work for our
> >> conversions depending on the actual wording. It
> also
> >> mentions other expanding credits to other plug in
> >> vehicles that might otherwise not qualify. 
> Hopefully 3wh
> >> EV's will be one of them.
> >>              Another is a 50% credit for alt
> refueling
> >> station equipment up to %50k and 50% for personal
> alt
> >> energy refueling stations up to $2k which might be
> >> applied to home battery chargers and outlets.
> >>             Hopefully someone with faster
> bandwidth that
> >> my 4kb/sec could look these up to see exactly what
> they
> >> are in the bill which is many times larger than I
> can
> >> handle and post just that section here.
> >>              The RE has been expanded to much more
> >> different RE, mostly 30% credits
> >>              Here's a URL to get started.
> It's under the
> >> renewable energy section for the EV stuff. The
> last in
> >> the summary so probably the last part of the bill.
> >>
> >>
> http://www.mcclatchydc.com/homepage/story/62135.html
> >>
> >>                                  Jerry Dycus
> >>

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