This so exciting and the approach you are taking addressing young people will help expand the market so much. TED

From: "fran sullivan-fahs" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 9:42 PM
To: "FLEAA Mailing List" <>
Subject: [FLEAA] news from TAEVA

I wish that we had brought a camera or video yesterday to Magnolia School for our TAEVA presentation. Andre Smith brought his way-cool converted Dodge Caravan and we brought our PHEV Prius. The kids (age 5 to about 14 years) were so fun and bright. The questions that they asked were amazingly smart. These will be the kids who will hone the electrical transportation systems of the future. This was our first of the really young kids' groups, and I must say that the experience was a powerfully optimistic one for me. We can trust the environmental challenges to these young people! If you are considering addressing a young group and want a very short cartoon video to use, you can google Plug in Partners, "Bettah". It is a simple and good video for the very young. I will seek out some more of these groups to address. If one ever feels less hopeful about the future of environmental efforts these kids can really help to enfuse a presenter with hope bigtime. Thanks, kids of Magnolia School! We are betting on you.
Fran Sullivan-Fahs & The EVI
w 850 656 5409
m 850 524 1972
"There can be no purpose more
enspiriting than to begin the age
of restoration, reweaving the
wondrous diversity of life that
still surrounds us." E.O. Wilson
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