It would be interesting what Windows server 2008 virtualisation brings to the 
table in regards to performance etc...

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Wednesday, 6 February 2008 7:49 PM
Subject: RE: [OzMOSS] MOSS & V-Motion

What did I expect? 

Hmm maybe that the point of this email as I'm not a ESX, VMWare or V-Motion 
expert? I sort out other people who may have the knowledge to help me provide a 
solution. As I've never dealt with SharePoint in an environment using V-Motion!

So now, I have some facts and such to go back to our VM person who can handle 
it appropriately with key pieces of information!

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Williamson
Sent: Wednesday, 6 February 2008 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: [OzMOSS] MOSS & V-Motion

By "while it is vmotion" do you mean "While we are actively moving it
between physical VM hosts" ?

If so.... what did you expect?

If not, we need more details.

VMotion is what lets you reallocate a live running VM in a VMWare
cluster from one physical host to another, while running against their
propriatary SAN provider, and it shoudl not be TYPICALLY done except
in the case of taking down the physical machine.

For those of you who don't know, what it does is create an in-space
copy of RAM and state, move that to another server, all the while
keeping a "changelog" of things that happen.  Once the initial state
is synced, it syncs the changelog iterively until the new VM is the
same as the old, and then it switches out networking/etc.  It's
amazing that something like it works, but one caveat is it DOES NOT
work with active socket connections (which will time out in most

On 2/6/08, Daniel Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We currently have a client who has a virtual SharePoint environment. Virtual
> Web/Application Server and a virtual SQL Server.
> We are seeing, when the web/application server is v-motion, a whole stack of
> database connectivity errors appear in the event log, the SharePoint logs
> bloat to massive size and owstimer.exe is peaking out.
> My initial investigation has revealed that while v-motion is happening,
> network connectivity between the web/application server and the SQL server
> is lost.
> Has anyone encountered this before, as this seems like a common setup and if
> so, is there a work around for this (we have currently set the
> web/application and SQL server not to v-motion and be static).
> Thanks,
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