Hi All,

Can anyone offer any suggestions for Shirley?

She basically wants the icons associated with the results to appear as
part of the search results..

If the item is a word document, she wants a word icon to appear next to
it. That kind of thing.


(see her email below)





From: Shirley Lee 
Sent: Friday, 2 May 2008 10:33 AM
Subject: FullTextSQL query help


Hi All,


I have created a custom web part which executes FullTextSQL query and
displays results in a datagrid....

I want to replicate the behaviour of SearchCore Results web part by
displaying file-type specific icons.....


The only way I could think of  determining the file type is from the
query "Select url from Scope()" and get the file extension from the
url....Is there any other better way of determining the file type?


Please let me know your comments/ suggestions...






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