Can you please indicate the type of workflow that you've set-up:
out-of-the-box (e.g. Three-state, Approval etc), one built via
SharePoint Designer or one built with WWF and Visual Studio?

Of Anthony Lee
Sent: Thursday, 28 August 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: [OzMOSS] Workflow Email Notifications

Hi all,


We have a workflow set up on a list, which sends an email to a
particular user. In the body of the email, we want to be able to display
the created by's user's Full Name instead of their account. Does anyone
know if that is possible, and if so how to do that?


Additionally does anyone know how to remove the timestamp in the
workflow email - we are doing a lookup of a date field which is set to
date only (no time), however in the email text generated from the
workflow, the timestamp is displayed?





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