
Surely Johan.

I'm a 34 yo French GIS enthousiast.
After 10 years working as a land surveyor, I decided to get back to school
to learn more about GIS.
Last year I got my bachelor's degree, I'm currently in the first year of a
master's degree which is a work/study training program.

I'm also a FOSS user since 2004, so as I get to know more about GIS, I also
got interest in the FOSS4G.

I'm part of the OSGeo French Chapter, and I took part in the organization
of the FOSS4G-fr 2016 and I'll take part of the FOSS4G-Eu this year.

I'm attending OSGeo-Live weekly meetings since the end of 2015.

My main goal is currently the master's degree, but for the OSGeo-Live
project I'm currently working on the move to transifex, and sometimes
little things.

That's pretty much it.

Best regards,


2017-03-19 14:20 GMT+01:00 Johan Van de Wauw <johan.vandew...@gmail.com>:

> Hello Nicolas,
> Can you present yourself (and perhaps add yourself to the Osgeo advocate
> pages[1])?
> Kind regards,
> Johan
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Advocate
> Op 18 mrt. 2017 12:28 schreef "Cameron Shorter" <cameron.shor...@gmail.com
> >:
> OSGeo-Live Project Management Committee,
> I'd like to raise a motion to officially invite Nicolas Roelandt to join
> the OSGeo-Live PMC [1]
> He has been regularly attending OSGeo-Live meetings, helping out, and most
> recently creating the background for the latest 10.5 release.
> I've approached Nicolas and he is open to the idea.
> +1 from me, Cameron
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc#Project_Management
> _Committee_.28PMC.29
> Current Members:
> Angelos_Tzotsos (Chair)
> Brian M Hamlin
> Cameron Shorter
> Alex Mandel
> Johan Van de Wauw
> Sebastian Couwenburg
> Massimo De Stefano
> Astrid Emde
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> M +61 419 142 254
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