Hi Ben -
  I was reviewing some old emails regarding Unidata THREDDs server and OSGeo-Live for netCDF and others, and I noticed that in a reply, you say :
     (as I know GeoServer much better than THREDDS)
   This is great to read today.. perhaps I can let go of the idea that Unidata THREDDs is important for the OSGeo-Live project. We never got real attention, although there was some interest from Unidata people..  
  best regards from Berkeley, California
   --Brian M Hamlin

On Sun, 13 Nov 2016 17:08:58 1300, Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz> wrote:


what is the process for building the full OSGeo Live image itself? The
top-level README refers to bin/main.sh which does not exist.
I got pretty far even on a LUbuntu Live VM, with git manually installed,
as an experiment. I will make a proper VM. I stuck with 16.04 as you
advised, not 16.04.1. I was able to use the script to install GeoServer
2.8.3 and the INSPIRE and CSS extensions. I think an upgrade to 2.10.x
is in order. I will need to check that we can use OpenJDK 8.
I plan to join next week's IRC meeting. I have been following the
mailing list but not yet made myself known. I know Cameron from when I
worked in Australia, and I am probably closer to him in distance and
time zones in New Zealand than when I worked in Perth!

Kind regards,
On 03/11/16 05:47, Brian M Hamlin wrote:
Hi Ben - a friendly reminder about this topic -- please let me know if you have questions about setting up a Geoserver on OSGeo-Live dev.cheers --BrianOSGeo California ChapterOSGeo-Live PSC -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Geoserver, THREDDs and ncWMS on OSGeo-Live
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2016 18:37:28 -0400
From: &quot;Brian M Hamlin&quot; &lt;mapl...@light42.com&gt;
To: b...@transient.nz

Hi Ben -

thanks for the reply, great to hear you are interested in GEOSERVER

Source code for the Live build system is dual-hosted on Github.com
and git.osgeo.org/gogs


The approach I use is :

clone the git repo

make a VM with -unpatched- LUbuntu 1604

clone -your- git repo of the live, make a working branch, in the VM once it is booted

run a few of the startup scripts (save time, ask a lot of questions here !)

In particular, I focus on python and netCDF, PostGIS / Postges, and some others. So I just run the install scripts that are needed for that.. a few blemishes are left because the SETDOWN finish does some housekeepping, but basically that is good and works.. they are well-behaved installers... There are a few conventions about setting up the USER assets, just data in a certain directory .. its not at all obscure. Again, please save time ans ask lots of questions

We can set up a modern GEOSERVER and get to adding some stores and layers and styles. I personally have done a few CSS styles, but fall back to SLD when in a hurry. My current GEOSERVER is 2.7x, so there are certainly things I dont know

We are focused on &quot;Reference install; carefully chosen examples; Showcase apps&quot;

Definitely speak up on the list .. and also I can help you get started at your convenience..
best regards from Berkeley, California

On Wed, 5 Oct 2016 10:44:56 1300, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:


I am happy to put my hand up for getting GeoServer into the next OSGeo
Live (as I know GeoServer much better than THREDDS). How is OSGeo Live
organised (mailing lists and resources)? What would you like from me?

I am also in touch with Ian Turton whom I think gave Cameron Shorter
some advice for a previous version of GeoServer in OSGeo Live. I have
let the GeoServer committee know about this activity.
Kind regards,
On 03/10/16 07:07, Brian M Hamlin wrote:
&gt; Hi Ben -
&gt; I was reading the geoserver users mail list just now, saw your name, and then looked a bit at your site. &gt; I am an editor on the OSGeo-Live.. over the years, I have focused on PostGIS, related projects, &gt; netCDF python stack and a few others.. This past OSGeo-Live 10 is notable for the GDAL 2x stack. &gt;
&gt; http://live.osgeo.org (I also do the cover artwork)
&gt; http://ct.light42.com/www_shared/osgeolive_related/
&gt; In the coming dev cycle, with Live 10.5 due in January, I will be focusing on Openstreetmap. &gt; Personally I am an intermediate level user of Geoserver.. &gt; &gt; It has always been in the back of my mind that our OSGeo Live Geoserver could use &gt; a bit of attention, and that hiliting the THREDDS server is something we should collaborate &gt; with domain experts on.. In fact, we have a long-standing open invitation with the THREDDs &gt; people, but nothing has shipped yet.. &gt;
&gt; Would you be interested in either Geoserver or THREDDs on the OSGeo Live ?
&gt; Do you know anyone else that would be ?
&gt; thanks in advance
&gt; ---
&gt; Brian M Hamlin
&gt; OSGeo California Chapter
&gt; blog.light42.com

Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <http://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter


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