I've privately emailed the OSGeo-Live PSC with this motion, and received the following responses.

Vicky, if you would like to continue helping with OSGeo-Live, and are comfortable with our Expectations of PSC members [1], then we hope you will accept our invitation to the OSGeo-Live Project Steering Committee:

[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Management

On 7/6/17 8:33 pm, Cameron Shorter wrote:
Hi all,

Of late, Vicky has been a fireball of energy helping OSGeo-Live, from setting up translations, to helping reach out to communities.

I propose we should invite her to become one of the OSGeo-Live PSC members.

+1 Cameron

(If we get all +1 votes, I will share this email thread publicly, otherwise I'll keep it private)


On 7/6/17 8:37 pm, Baka Niko wrote:
I agree with you, so there is my +1.

I hope she will be interested in joining us, she pretty well involved with pgRouting already.

On 7/6/17 8:39 pm, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
On 2017-06-07 12:33, Cameron Shorter wrote:
Of late, Vicky has been a fireball of energy helping OSGeo-Live, from
setting up translations, to helping reach out to communities.

I propose we should invite her to become one of the OSGeo-Live PSC members.


(If we get all +1 votes, I will share this email thread publicly,
otherwise I'll keep it private)

Communication in open source projects should be public by default. Your tendency to keep threads private and then halfway during a thread add the list into the loop is highly annoying. I delete such partial threads, because the community was not involved from the start diminishing its value.

Kind Regards,


On 7/6/17 8:42 pm, massimo di stefano wrote:
thanks Vicky for supporting the osgeolive project
Here is my +1

On 7/6/17 9:22 pm, Astrid Emde (OSGeo) wrote:
Big +1 for Vicky.

Thanks for all your activity for OSGeo-Live


On 7/6/17 9:28 pm, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:

On 8/6/17 12:12 am, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
Big +1

On 8/6/17 12:51 am, Alex Mandel wrote:
+1 Alex

I haven't heard back from Brian Hamlin, but note his comment on IRC with Vicky:
15:14:20    cvvergara:    *newbe
15:14:29    darkblue_b:    I will stay out - you have my support :-)

Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

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