
I am absolutely delighted with the buzz my simple question has stirred up
on the List.  I guess I won't have to ask what sort of weapon I should have
aboard for a while...

I was reading everything in the "Question"  thread aloud to Jan this
morning and just as she mentioned how much fun it would be to get together
with SteveW, BenO and a few other lively List members I opened Ben's
message on just that subject!  Curiouser and Curiouser.

I enjoyed the new Science Channel show "Firefly" last Sunday at 2100ET. 
Sort of "Grandson of Han Solo and his Posse".  One of the crew, the
chaplain, is played by Ron Glass who played the black detective in the
Barney Miller TV sitcom, one of my favorites.  All the rest are too young
for me to recognize.

As for boat stuff, Jan and I are preparing Bandersnatch for our Northbound
Trek, it's getting hot here in north Florida.  Jan has had a cold for the
past three days but is on the mend. 

I was pleased that the main engine started right up the other day when I
tried it.  I have a higher main engine cooling seawater intake this year so
I won't be sucking mud and clams into the boat when I plow through the mud
as I have often done in the past, eliminating one major problem.

BTW, "Do it right or do it over" is a credo that whacks me on the noggin
often.  It really works.  Whenever I have a problem on the boat I try to
fix it in such a way that it doesn't happen again.  That is how I
eventually made my great fuel system.  The name of the game is to fix
things so as to increase the Mean Time Between Failures.

BTW, I came across an interesting gizmo.  It is like those little
noisemakers, Sonaleart was the original, that make alarm noises (low oil
pressure, high engine temp, etc). This one can be programmed via a USB
upload to play a 30 sec mp3 or wav sound file.  I imagine announcements as
heard aboard the NCC-1701 Enterprise.  (sultry female voice) "Captain, the
main engine is overheating, but the rising bilge water will soon cool it

Schuster Electronics, Inc. (
Product Category: Audio Transducers and Buzzers
Part Description: 30 Second WAV / MP3 Programmable Indicator

I was told it was not quite ready for Prime Time but I am on their mailing


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