On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 05:34:21PM -0400, Alan Lewis wrote:
> I don't at all dispute the reports of others who have had less than positive
> experiences with Foley, but I think it's only fair to report that I have not
> had that experience.

I don't think anyone here will go so far as to claim that Foley isn't
_capable_ of giving good service - if that was true, they wouldn't have
survived their first year in business. However, as I just had to remind
someone, customer service is not additive: serving even 1000 people well
does not give you a license to screw the 1001st.

Foley sold me an extremely badly rebuilt engine - one that leaked from
half a dozen places when first started (and I still have to live with at
least two of the oil leaks unless I want to tear the engine down.) All
four of the bolts on the adapter plate that holds the saltwater pump
were stripped, from the factory (I still have the photos showing the
factory paint on those boltheads) - which sheared the pump shaft drive
"ears" and immediately overheated my engine. When I tried to get Foley
to resolve this - politely and patiently - their salesman *laughed* at
my asking them to stand behind their guarantee.  Only after I made it
clear that I was about to get in a car, drive six hours, and stuff that
laugh down his throat did they grudgingly send me a replacement pump
(they'd been demanding that I pay them over $500 for a new one.) I was
lucky that the retainer ring still had enough beef that I could redrill
and retap it to the next larger size; otherwise, I'd have had to
disassemble the entire front of the engine to get to it.

The brand-new alternator that came with the engine kept overheating and
shitting down; it turned out to be assembled in such a way that the tach
output was shorted against the case, which had fried most of the diodes.
Foley refused to replace it, so I had to buy one.

The very odd preheating system (a hollow glow plug mounted at the air
intake with diesel feeding through it) was not described anywhere, and
no one seemed to know anything about it - until I talked to the one guy
at Foley who did.

The studs in the head - a standard, cheap replacement item - had not
been replaced during this "factory rebuild". I'm now wondering what else
they failed to replace.

I could go on, and on, and on. This is just what comes to mind right off
the top. It's cost me well over a grand to get all this rectified -
including taking the head off and getting it cut flat, which *finally*,
after a year, took care of the overheating problems that had been
present since the first day.

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