On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:49:06 -0500
Jeremy Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> > * Does the community still want the LiveCD project? (Consider that a 
> > couple of the arguments above imply that the LFS LiveCD by its nature is 
> > degrading the quality of LFS)
> > 
> > * If so, is the community prepared to lend help in keeping it alive?
> Thank you all for your comments and consideration. I ran through the 
> lists quickly this morning and came up with the following:
> 20 people expressed their appreciation for the CD, more than half voting 
> to keep the project around. Also, several either offered to contribute 
> or suggested ways in which the project may be improved.
> 2 people explicitly voted to drop the project.
> I could let this thread continue for some more time, but I get the 
> impression that the ratio of votes will continue approximately the same.
> So the real question now becomes, where do we go from here? There have 
> been a few suggestions put forward as to what may help future 
> development and what will alleviate the original concerns brought up. I 
> will try to lay down what I recall:
> * Go back to the drawing board, so to speak. Start a new CD from scratch 
> that is minimal (and minimal means minimal, not just 'without X') and 
> re-define core concepts that the CD will adhere closely to. (For 
> example, as proof of the soundness of LFS, the CD should strictly adhere 
> to LFS. If we adopt this one aspect, we should also be able to make use 
> of ALFS development to produce the CD, instead of maintaining a full set 
> of separate scripts.)
> * As has been suggested from a long time ago, make use of package 
> management in the build process, especially for BLFS packages. This 
> would allow at least two benefits: an easier development process, and 
> greater extensibility/customization.
> * Add an LFS-style document to the project that teaches how to create a 
> LiveCD from scratch.
> * Devise methods for users to more easily provide feedback and make it 
> easier to contribute as a whole.
> What are your thoughts on the above? And are there any other 
> suggestions, either new ones or ones that I missed?
> --
> JH

I couldn't comment on the other thread as I never found the LiveCD
much use.  After LFS 2.4, I always had a working platform anyway - LFS.

However, I think that this discussion needs to be opened out to:

1) Where should LFS go next ??

and after that:

2) How does BLFS respond to where LFS is going ??

and only then:

3) How should folk try it out or bootstrap the build system ??

For instance, if the answer to that included a package manager (for
which I would vote), then many of the difficulties of maintaining the
LiveCD go away.

I'm also very interested in the idea of a document that describes how
to build a Live CD using the LFS book as the base.  This would be
interesting, even to die-hard UNIX techy's like what I aspire to be.

Gerard (who founded LFS sometime last millenium CE) hinted at having a
view on this; but until we see it, there isn't much point in

My feeling is that LFS-NG should use the new DIY-Linux build method, AND
have a Package Management system, AND have a defined way of managing
updates.  THEN, I think ALFS and BLFS should use the chosen PM.

Everyone should go build a DIY-Linux, and a CLFS system before
deciding.  Ditch your prejudices and have an experiment. (Please
forgive me for all the bruised toes and egos - or you can shout at me
if you want)

I am getting some time back (finished laying stone floor last week -
hands healing nicely thanks) now and might be cajoled into being
involved if the plans look stretching enough - but not for tinkering to
patch it up.  Gee, it's been boring lately!


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