I found a spare 160Gb IDE hard drive laying around and so thought I'd try
LFS scratch again. On my previous attempts I'd found getting the correct
versions of the necessary applications a nightmare, and the liveCD refused
to boot on my other machines. Now that I had a spare hard drive I could put
it into my main machine which I hoped I'd have more luck with.

For the first time it actually managed to boot up to the isolinux loader
(blue and grey logo with the orange and black console) however after
pressing [Enter] to boot I receive the following message:

Loading isolinux: Disk error 10, AX = 4280, drive EF

Boot failed: press a key to retry...

I original thought it may have been a problem trying to detect the USB hard
drive I have plugged in, so I unplugged that but it still won't boot.
Currently there is the main SATA hard drive and the IDE hard drive I wish to
install LFS on inside the case and only the mouse and keyboard plugged in
via USB.

Does anyone know what may be wrong here? I would have tried removing the
SATA hard drive, however if that's the problem it's not really a practical

Regards, Ross Bearman
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