#1767: Chapter 2.3 e2fsprogs gz not bz2
 Reporter:  henjenagin  |       Owner:  livecd@linuxfromscratch.org
     Type:  defect      |      Status:  new                        
 Priority:  highest     |   Milestone:                             
Component:  CD          |     Version:                             
 Keywords:              |  
 In the "Note" section Chapter 2.3 following debugfs command:

 $ tar -xjvf /path.../e2fsprogs-1.40.2.tar.bz2

 should read

 $ tar -xzvf /path.../e2fsprogs-1.40.2.tar.gz

 The tarball supplied on the live cd was compressed using gzip and is
 listed as "*.tar.gz" in the /lfs-sources directory on the liveCD, not

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