tberghammer added a comment.

Sorry, first I manage to submit my comments without finishing them.

In http://reviews.llvm.org/D12291#232191, @clayborg wrote:

> I also question why Symbo
> In http://reviews.llvm.org/D12291#231523, @tberghammer wrote:
> > In the current version of the patch the compile units in the main object 
> > file hands out only the compile unit DIE with the information what is 
> > available in the main object file. I considered the other approach (hand 
> > out all DIEs by the DWARF compile unit in the main object file) but I 
> > dropped it for the following reasons:
> >
> > - If we hand out DIEs from a dwo symbol file then each DIE have to store a 
> > pointer to the symbol file (or compile unit) it belongs to what is a 
> > significant memory overhead (we have more DIEs then Symbols) if we ever 
> > want to store all DIE in memory. Even worse is that we have to change all 
> > name to DIE index to contain a pointer (compile unit / dwo symbol file) and 
> > an offset to find the DIE belongs to (compared to just an offset now) what 
> > is more entry then the number DIEs.
> Can't we just store the SymbolFile inside the compile unit? We always need 
> the compile unit to really do anything with a DIE anyway. We currently store 
> the DWO file inside the compile unit so it seems that we could just store it 
> once in the compile unit and avoid any extra cost.

In the name to DIE indexes (in SymbolFileDWARF) currently we store only a DIE 
offset and we find the compile unit based on the fact that the DIE should be 
inside the range of the compile unit. The compile units leave in the dwo symbol 
files all start at address 0 so just a DIE offset isn't enough to find the 
compile unit. We can store the offset in 4 byte (we already do it, but I am not 
sure it is a good idea) and the compile unit index in another 4 byte what isn't 
a major overhead, but it can matter for large inferiors. Storing the symbol 
file  in the DIE might be avoidable but then the DIE have to ask the compile 
unit for the correct symbol file when somebody queries it for an attribute (we 
don't want the caller of the GetAttribute* function to know about dwo files).



> > - In an average debug session run from an IDE the user usually sets the 
> > breakpoints based on file name + line number, display some stack traces, 
> > some variables and do some stepping. If we can index each dwo file 
> > separately then we can handle all of these features without parsing the 
> > full debug info what can give us some significant speed benefits at 
> > debugger startup time.



> I don't see how we can ever just index one DWO file? If we index one, we must 
> index them all within an executable otherwise the index will be incomplete. 
> If you set a file + line breakpoint, you can't rely on the file matching the 
> compile unit because there could be inlined functions so you would always 
> need to index all of them. Likewise with setting a breakpoint by function 
> name, you will need to index all DWO files.

I made a few measurements a few weeks ago and to set a file + line breakpoint 
we only need to parse the line table what is reasonably fast while parsing all 
DIEs is significantly slower. Setting a breakpoint based on function name 
require a full dwarf parsing, but if you use an IDE you almost never want to do 

> Maybe we can:


> - Have a new class that we hand out for a DIE, maybe named DWARFDIE that 
> contains:


>   ``` class DWARFDIE { DWARFCompileUnit *m_cu; DWARFDebugInfoEntry *m_die; }; 
> ```


>   Then change all of the places we currently use a "DWARFCompileUnit *cu, 
> DWARFDebugInfoEntry* die" (we always pass them around together) to use a 
> DWARFDIE instead. This allows us to store the DIEs efficiently, yet pass them 
> around in a slightly larger container for usage. This would allow our memory 
> usage to stay very close to where it is (an extra pointer in the compile 
> unit).


>   Then we modify DWARFCompileUnit to store the "SymbolFileDWARF *" that the 
> compile unit comes from. We can still store the DWO file in the compile unit 
> as well as you are already doing, we would just need to add a 
> "SymbolFileDWARF *m_dwarf;" member variable for the non DWO case (and also 
> for digging up the DW_TAG_compile_unit attributes that aren't in the DWO 
> DW_TAG_compile_unit).


>   Then we just make sure that all code that hands out DIEs actually hands out 
> DWARFDIE instances instead of returning a "DWARFDebugInfoEntry *" and also 
> having an out parameter that fills in the compile unit.


>   Thoughts?

I like the idea about passing them around together especially as we already do 
it in a lot of case and it will have only a small overhead, but it don't help 
on the fact that the name to DIE indexes have to store a compile unit pointer 
(or a compile unit index). I am not sure how much we want to worry about the 
memory usage increase because I estimate it to be under 10% increase (without 
any measurements to prove it), but it will be significantly bigger then the 
effect of some changes in the Symbol class where you were quite concerned about 
increasing the size of it.


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