Please check again.
Please note that this file needs to be included in your PATH. The rest of
the scripts don't have to.
Sample of test configuration file could be found here.

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Kamil Rytarowski <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Where can I find this It's missing under your link:
> ter-dev/buildbotScripts/bashShell/svntotbuild/
> On 21.10.2015 00:29, Ying Chen wrote:
> > Hello Kamil, Galina,
> >
> > If you would like to build LLDB with cmake and ninja, I suggest to
> > consider the following two factory functions. Depends on what you
> > described, I feel the first one works better for you.
> >
> > 1. getLLDBUbuntuCMakeBuildFactory If you only run local lldb tests,
> > this is the factory to use.
> >
> > For example, if you would like to build host lldb with clang and
> > Release config, and run tests with clang on x86_64 host, then call
> > the function this way,
> >
> > getLLDBUbuntuCMakeBuildFactory(build_compiler = "clang", build_type
> > = "Release", local_test_archs=["x86_64"],
> > local_test_compilers=["clang"]) If you would like to run local
> > tests with gcc compiler as well, then pass
> > local_test_compilers=["clang", "gcc"]
> >
> > Dependency: You need to have the required packages to build lldb.
> >
> > Note*: please disable the last step in this function
> > "archiveLLDBTestTraces", this steps will upload the log files to a
> > cloud storage that you might not have access to.
> >
> > 2. getLLDBScriptCommandsFactory
> >
> > If you have multiple targets to run tests against, for example,
> > remote linux, remote android targets and etc, you should choose
> > this factory. The advantage of this factory is that it calls a
> > script in each step, so it's highly configurable and easy to make
> > changes. You just need to make sure the scripts are in builder
> > machine and have the correct commands. For your reference, the ones
> > that we're currently using could be found here.
> >
> aster-dev/buildbotScripts/bashShell/svntotbuild/
> >
> >
> updateScript as the first step, is just copy the scripts to local builde
> rs.
> >
> > Please let me know if you have further questions.
> >
> > Thanks, Ying
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Kamil Rytarowski <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hello Ying,
> >
> > I'm in trouble with my attempts to connect my NetBSD/amd64 machine
> > to the LLDB/LLVM build zone.
> >
> > My host is NetBSD-7.0 (with buildslave ID:
> > lldb-amd64-ninja-netbsd7). I use pkgsrc (2015Q3) to ship packages.
> > I'm attaching a list of installed ones to this mail.
> >
> > I talked with Joerg and it was decided to go for CMake and Ninja,
> > we don't want to change it for now (at least till single machine
> > will be plugged in).
> >
> > Please try to spawn local NetBSD session and connect to the
> > staging buildbot and debug it locally, to cut the number of
> > iterations between me and the Galina.
> >
> > I'm adding here a short tutorial to get to reproduce quickly the
> > setup of mine. It will take you like 2-5 minutes to get into
> > installed system (depends of an internet connection).
> >
> > 1. Prepare a disk image. $ qemu-img create -f qcow2 netbsd7.0_amd64
> > 10G
> >
> > 2. Get an installation media. $ $FETCH_TOOL
> >
> ot
> >
> >
> - -com.iso
> >
> > 3. Spawn installation $ qemu-system-x86_64 \ -enable-kvm \ -net
> > user \ -m 2G \ -cdrom boot-com.iso \ -nographic \ -smp cores=2 \
> > -hda netbsd7.0_amd64 \ -boot d
> >
> > 4. Inside the installer push ctrl-c and get the command line.
> >
> > 5. Setup network connection: # dhcpcd
> >
> > 6. Go to a writable dir, like /tmp # cd /tmp
> >
> > 7. Fetch the script of mine # ftp
> >
> >
> > # sh -s 128 -r mypass -c com0 -C 9600 -p wd0
> >
> > (take a coffee break)
> >
> > 8. If everything went OK, just type: # poweroff
> >
> > 9. Start your newly installed system qemu-system-x86_64 \
> > -enable-kvm \ -net user \ -m 2G \ -nographic \ -smp cores=2 \ -hda
> > netbsd7.0_amd64 \ -boot c (root password is empty)
> >
> > 10. Install dependencies from pkgsrc, like: # cd
> > /usr/pkgsrc/devel/cmake && make install
> >
> > Please install packags needed for buildslave, create dedicated
> > user and try to connect it to the salve.
> >
> > Thank you in advance,
> >
> > On 20.10.2015 21:40, Galina Kistanova wrote:
> >> Hello Kamil,
> >
> >> It looks like you are missing dependencies for the LLDB builder
> >> you have chosen.
> >>
> s
> >
> >>
> teps/update%20scripts/logs/stdio
> > <
> s
> >
> >
> teps/update%20scripts/logs/stdio>
> >
> >
> >
> > The getLLDBScriptCommandsFactory build factory does not document
> >> the assumed dependency, so you may want to contact Ying Chen,
> >> who is the author for the complete list of dependencies.
> >
> >> Another thing you may want to do is to reconsider the builder
> >> you want to use. Maybe LLDBBuilder.getLLDBBuildFactory would
> >> work better for you, though it requires autoconfig and make.
> >
> >> I'm adding the LLDB mail list in case somebody has an idea of
> >> what would be the easiest way to get the NetBSD builder for LLDB
> >> up and running.
> >
> >> Hello everyone,
> >
> >> Kamil is on the mission of getting LLDB builder for NetBSDwhich
> >> would build clang+LLVM, then LLDB and run tests. What is the
> >> shortest and less painful route there? Any suggestions? Just
> >> looking at the source code of the current set of the LLDB
> >> builders, it is hard to tell which one is the "main".
> >
> >> Thanks
> >
> >> Galina
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> =XiFI
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