labath added a comment.

In, @ravitheja wrote:

> @labath In order to reproduce this situation without the help of standard 
> library, I would have to write handwritten assembly and the CFI directives 
> for that, is that fine ?

Yes, I think that's fine. Obviously that will make the test x86-specific (and 
probably linux-specific, although it would be great if that can be avoided 
(*)), but at least it will be well focused, and not relying on random timings 
in other tests. A less preferred but-still-better-than-status-quo option would 
be to keep the standard library dependency but remove the timing issues (e.g., 
by setting the breakpoint in fflush, instruction-stepping 100 times, and making 
sure you unwind correctly from each place).

(*) One way to do that is to avoid running code. If you can write the test in a 
way that it does not need a running process then you can just check in a tiny 
(linux) module, load it and query some properties of the contained functions 
and their unwind plans...

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