compnerd added inline comments.

Comment at: docs/Proposals/GitHub.rst:167
@@ +166,3 @@
+with the limited number of developers whose job will be to mainly merge
+thousands of patches a day.
rengolin wrote:
> compnerd wrote:
> > I don't fully understand how this is any different from today.  We have a 
> > core set of developers with commit access.  Others are encouraged to 
> > provide patches via email (or may use phabricator depending on the 
> > reviewer).  Once reviewed and accepted, one of the core developers still 
> > commits the change.  I just see this as a process change.
> > 
> > The person forks the repository on github, and creates a branch, and then a 
> > PR.  The PR is reviewed and once accepted, merged by one of the core 
> > developers.  It even implicitly handles authorship tracking which has 
> > currently been done in an adhoc fashion via the commit message.
> Today we all commit to SVN, which is linear. In GitHub, we'll be committing 
> to git. If we can have hooks forbidding merges, it'll remain linear, but then 
> pull requests will be blocked. Additional hooks will need to be in place 
> (please suggest all of them here and I'll update the doc).
I think that we should aim to preserve the linearity of history.  This would 
mean that we block non-fastforward commits (i.e. no merges, no force pushes).


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