rengolin added a comment.

You will not be required to use submodules at all, as we'll all use the 
individual projects, like we have always been. I don't understand why people 
keep going back to it.

Having a single repository was part of the original proposal for years, and 
every time it was shot down as impractical.

Indeed, this is not the place for such discussion, but unless you can finish 
the discussion thus week, I suggest you make you point clear in the survey 
instead of delaying the process.

I'm not pushing for *my* solution. Thus *has* been discussed already to 
exhaustion. The current agreement was that we'd do a survey on the proposal, 
and that's what we need to do. Anything else will just send us back to square 
one and I seriously don't have the stamina to keep going round in circles.

Ie. Please, try to be considerate.

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