clayborg added a comment.

Just take a look and see if there is anything worth re-using. If there is too 
much mac specific stuff in there, then just use the one created, but be sure to 
make it your new format completely agnostic to any platform so it can work for 
anything. It is OK to include platform specific keys that might be needed if 
the format, just place them in an appropriate dictionary, like

"macos" : { "cputype" : 123, "cpusubtype" : 234 }

If you need info on all shared libraries though, why not just use the XML 
version that already exists?

  Error ProcessGDBRemote::GetLoadedModuleList (LoadedModuleInfoList & list);

This uses the "libraries-svr4" packet that gets XML for all shared libraries. 
Is there information missing in that format that you require?

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