tberghammer added a comment.

Thank you the comments. Based on them I have the following proposal:

- Add a new property to value object with name "m_is_dereference_of_parent"
- Add a new static method named "CreateCopy(name, valobj, 
is_dereference_of_parent)" to ValueObject and to SBValue what will create a new 
value object with the same type and data as the original value object with 
m_is_dereference_of_parent is set (I am open to suggestions for a better name). 
The reason I need to create a copy of the value object instead of modifying it 
in place is that if the dereferenced object is referenced without using a 
synthetic child provider then this flag shouldn't be set and the cleanest way 
to achieve this is to have 2 separate value object instances.
- From the synthetic child providers when we want to create a child what is the 
dereference of the parent (e.g. object for unique_ptr) then we will use the 
above CreateCopy method
- We will decrement the pointer depth during display every time we go through 
an object marked as m_is_dereference_of_parent
- In "frame variable" when the user uses "operator*" or "operator->" we return 
the first child with m_is_dereference_of_parent (possibly return an error if 
multiple child has it set)

I think this approach satisfies all the requirements we had (extensibility, 
dereference support, loop detection) and makes the API fairly clean. What do 
you think?


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