Nice list, thanks!

On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 1:51 PM Jim Ingham via lldb-commits <> wrote:

> Author: jingham
> Date: Thu Mar  2 15:39:27 2017
> New Revision: 296814
> URL:
> Log:
> Added a list of outstanding projects that would benefit lldb.
> This was a list that I've had kicking around for a while, and would
> add to whenever some hallway conversation would bring up another good
> idea.  It's not doing any good on my desktop, but it might generate
> some inspiration here.  Please add to this if you have any other
> good ideas.
> I apologize for the formatting, but if I wait to get it looking
> nice it would probably stay on my desktop.
> Added:
>     lldb/trunk/www/projects.html   (with props)
> Modified:
>     lldb/trunk/www/sidebar.incl
> Added: lldb/trunk/www/projects.html
> URL:
> ==============================================================================
> --- lldb/trunk/www/projects.html (added)
> +++ lldb/trunk/www/projects.html Thu Mar  2 15:39:27 2017
> @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
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> +<title>LLDB Projects</title>
> +</head>
> +
> +<body>
> +    <div class="www_title">
> +      Project ideas for the <strong>LLDB</strong> Debugger
> +    </div>
> +
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> +       <div id="content">
> +         <!--#include virtual="sidebar.incl"-->
> +               <div id="middle">
> +                       <div class="post">
> +                               <h1 class ="postheader">Goals</h1>
> +                               <div class="postcontent">
> +
> +                                         <p>The following is a mostly
> unordered set of the ideas for improvements
> +                                            to the LLDB debugger.  Some
> are fairly deep, some would require less
> +                                            effort.
> +                                            </p>
> +
> +                                         <ol>
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Speed up type realization
> in lldb.
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                The type of problem I'm
> addressing here is the situation where you are
> +                                                debugging a large program
> (lldb built with debug clang/swift will do)
> +                                                and you go to print a
> simple expression, and lldb goes away for 30 seconds.
> +                                                When you sample it, it is
> always busily churning through all the CU's in the
> +                                                world looking for
> something.  The problem isn't that looking for something in
> +                                                particular is slow, but
> rather that we somehow turned an bounded search
> +                                                (maybe a subtype of
> "std::string" into an unbounded search (all things with the
> +                                                name of that subtype.)
>  Or didn't stop when we got a reasonable answer
> +                                                proximate to the context
> of the search, but let the search leak out globally.
> +                                                And quite likely there
> are other issues that I haven't guessed yet.
> +                                                But if you end up
> churning though 3 or 4 Gig of debug info, that's going to be slow
> +                                                no matter how well
> written your debug reader is...
> +                                              </p>
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                My guess is the work will
> be more in the general symbol lookup than in the DWARF
> +                                                parser in particular, but
> it may be a combination of both.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                As a user debugging a
> largish program, this is the most obvious lameness of lldb.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Symbol name completion in
> the expression parser.
> +                                              <p>
> +                                              This is the other obvious
> lameness of lldb.  You can do:
> +                                              </p>
> +<code><pre><tt>
> +(lldb) frame var foo.b<TAB>
> +</tt></pre></code>
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                and we will tell you it
> is "".  But you can't do that in the expression parser.
> +                                                This will require
> collaboration with the clang/swift folks to get the right extension
> +                                                points in the compiler.
> And whatever they are, lldb will need use them to tell the
> +                                                compiler about what names
> are available.  It will be important to avoid the pitfalls
> +                                                of #1 where we wander
> into the entire DWARF world.
> +                                              </p>
> +
> +                                            </li>
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Make a high speed
> asynchronous communication channel to replace the gdb-remote protocol.
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                All lldb debugging
> nowadays is done by talking to a debug agent.  We used the
> +                                                gdb-remote protocol
> because that is universal, and good enough, and you have
> +                                                to support it anyway
> since so many little devices & JTAG's and VM's etc
> +                                                support it.  But it is
> really old, not terribly high performance, and
> +                                                can't really handle
> sending or receiving messages while the process is
> +                                                supposedly running.  It
> should have compression built in, remove the hand-built
> +                                                checksums and rely on the
> robust communication protocols we always have nowadays,
> +                                                allow for out-of-order
> requests/replies, allow for reconnecting to a temporarily
> +                                                disconnected debug
> session, regularize all of the packet formatting into JSON or
> +                                                BSON or whatever while
> including a way to do large binary transfers.  It must be
> +                                                possible to come up with
> something faster, and better tunable for the many
> +                                                communications pathways
> we end up supporting.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Fix the event
> handling/process control machinery to support calling SB & Commands
> +                                              everywhere, and to support
> non-stop debugging
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                There is a fairly ad-hoc
> system to handle when it is safe to run SB API's and
> +                                                command line commands.
> This is actually a bit of a tricky problem, since we
> +                                                allow access to the
> command line and SB API from some funky places in lldb.
> +                                                The Operating System
> plugins are the most obvious instance, since they get
> +                                                run right after lldb is
> told by debugserver that the process has stopped, but
> +                                                before it has finished
> collating the information from the stop for presentation
> +                                                to the higher levels.
> But breakpoint callbacks have some of the same problems,
> +                                                and other things like the
> scripted stepping operations and any fancier extension
> +                                                points we want to add to
> the debugger are going to be hard to implement robustly
> +                                                till we work on a
> finer-grained and more explicit control over who gets to control
> +                                                the process state.
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                We also won't have any
> chance of supporting non-stop debugging - which is a useful
> +                                                mode for programs that
> have a lot of high-priority or real-time worker threads -
> +                                                until we get this sorted
> out.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Finish the language
> abstraction and remove all the unnecessary C++/clang-based API's
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                An important part of
> making lldb a more useful "debugger toolkit" as opposed to a
> +                                                C/C++/ObjC/Swift debugger
> is to have a clean abstraction for language support.
> +                                                We did most, but not all,
> of the physical separation.  We need to finish that.
> +                                                And then by force of
> necessity the API's really look like the interface to a C++
> +                                                type system with a few
> swift bits added on.  How you would go about adding a new
> +                                                language is unclear and
> much more trouble than it is worth at present.  But if
> +                                                we made this nice, we
> could add a lot of value to other language projects.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Add some syntax to generate
> data formatters from type definitions
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                Uses of the data
> formatters fall into two types.  There are data formatters for
> +                                                types where the structure
> elements pretty much tell you how to present the data,
> +                                                you just need a little
> expression language to express how to turn them into what
> +                                                the user expects to see.
> Then there are the ones (like pretty much all our
> +                                                Foundation/AppKit/UIKit
> formatters) that use deep magic to figure out how the type
> +                                                is actually laid out.
> The latter are pretty much always going to have to be done by hand.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                But for the ones where
> the information is expressed in the fields, it would be great
> +                                                to have a way to express
> the instructions to produce summaries and children in some
> +                                                form you could embed next
> to the types and have the compiler produce a byte code
> +                                                form of the instructions
> and then make that available to lldb along with the library.
> +                                                This isn't as simple as
> having clang run over the headers and produce something from the
> +                                                types directly.  After
> all, clang has no way of knowing that the interesting thing about
> +                                                a std::vector is the
> elements that you get by calling size (for the summary) and [] for
> +                                                the elements.  But it
> shouldn't be hard to come up with a generic markup to express this.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Allow the expression parser
> to access dynamic type/data formatter information
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                This seems like a smaller
> one.  The symptom is your object is Foo child of Bar, and in
> +                                                the Locals view you see
> all the fields of Foo, but because the static type of the object
> +                                                is Bar, you can't see any
> of the fields of Foo.  But if you could get this working,
> +                                                you could hijack the
> mechanism to make the results of the value object summaries/synthetic
> +                                                children available to
> expressions.  And if you can do that, you could add other properties
> +                                                to an object externally
> (through Python or some other extension point) and then have
> +                                                these also available in
> the expression parser.  You could use this to express invariants
> +                                                for data structures, or
> other more advanced uses of types in the debugger.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                Another version of this
> is to allow access to synthetic children in the expression
> +                                                parser.  Otherwise you
> end up in situations like:
> +                                              </p>
> +<code><pre><tt>
> +(lldb) print return_a_foo()
> +(SomeVectorLikeType) $1 = {
> +  [0] = 0
> +  [1] = 1
> +  [2] = 2
> +  [3] = 3
> +  [4] = 4
> +}
> +</tt></pre></code>
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                That's good but:
> +                                              </p>
> +<code><pre><tt>
> +(lldb) print return_a_foo()[2]
> +</tt></pre></code>
> +                                              <p>
> +                                              fails because the
> expression parser doesn't know anything about the array-like nature of
> +                                              SomeVectorLikeType that it
> gets from the synthetic children.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Add an extension point in
> the breakpoint search machinery.
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                This would allow highly
> customizable, algorithmic breakpoint types, like "break on every
> +                                                use of some particular
> instruction, or instruction pattern, etc."
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Documentation and better
> examples
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                We need to put the lldb
> syntax docs in the tutorial somewhere that is more easily accessible.
> +                                                On suggestion is to add
> non-command based help to the help system, and then have a "help lldb"
> +                                                or "help syntax" type
> command with this info.  Be nice if the non-command based help could
> +                                                be hierarchical so you
> could make topics.
> +                                              </p>
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                There's a fair bit of
> docs about the SB API's, but it is spotty.  Some classes are
> +                                                well documented in the
> Python "help (lldb.SBWhatever)" and some are not.
> +                                              </p>
> +
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                We need more conceptual
> docs.  And we need more examples.  And we could provide a
> +                                                clean pluggable example
> for using LLDB standalone from Python.  The
> +                                                is a start of this, but
> it just handles process events, and it is really a quick sketch
> +                                                not a polished expandable
> proto-tool.
> +                                              </p>
> +
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Make a more accessible
> plugin architecture for lldb.
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                Right now, you can only
> use the Python or SB API's to extend an extant lldb.  You can't
> +                                                implement any of the
> actual lldb Plugins as plugins.  That means anybody that wants to
> +                                                add new Object
> file/Process/Language etc support has to build and distribute their own
> +                                                lldb.  This is tricky
> because the API's the plugins use are currently not stable (and
> +                                                recently have been
> changing quite a lot.)  We would have to define a subset of lldb_private
> +                                                that you could use, and
> some way of telling whether the plugins were compatible with
> +                                                the lldb.  But long-term,
> making this sort of extension possible will make lldb more
> +                                                appealing for research
> and 3rd party uses.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Use instruction emulation
> to avoid the overhead of swapping trap and instruction for breakpoints
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                At present, breakpoints
> are implemented by inserting a trap instruction, then when the trap
> +                                                is hit, replace the trap
> with the actual instruction and single step.  Then swap back and
> +                                                continue.  This causes
> problems for read only text, and also means that no-stop debugging
> +                                                ust either stop all
> threads briefly to handle this two-step or risk missing some
> +                                                breakpoint hits.  If you
> emulated the instruction and wrote back the results, you wouldn't
> +                                                have these problems, and
> it would also save a stop per breakpoint hit.  Since we use breakpoints
> +                                                to implement stepping,
> this savings could be significant on slow connections.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Use the JIT to speed up
> conditional breakpoint evaluation
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                We already JIT and cache
> the conditional expressions for breakpoints for the C family of
> +                                                languages, so we aren't
> re-compiling every time you hit the breakpoint.  And if we couldn't
> +                                                IR interpret the
> expression, we leave the JIT'ed code in place for reuse.  But it would
> +                                                be even better if we
> could also insert the "stop or not" decision into the code at the
> +                                                breakpoint, so you would
> only actually stop the process when the condition was true.
> +                                                Greg's idea was that if
> you had a conditional breakpoint set when you started the
> +                                                debug session, Xcode
> could rebuild and insert enough no-ops that we could instrument
> +                                                the breakpoint site and
> call the conditional expression, and only trap if the conditional was true.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Broaden the idea in "target
> stop-hook" to cover more events in the debugger
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                Shared library loads,
> command execution, User directed memory/register reads and writes
> +                                                are all places where you
> would reasonably want to hook into the debugger.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Mock classes for testing
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                We need  "ProcessMock"
> and "ObjectFileMock" and the like.  These would be real
> +                                                plugin implementations
> for their underlying lldb classes, with the addition
> +                                                that you can prime them
> from some sort of text based input files.  For classes
> +                                                that manage changes over
> time (like process) you would need to program the state
> +                                                at StopPoint 0, StopPoint
> 1, etc.  These could then be used for testing reactions
> +                                                to complex threading
> +                                                problems & the like, and
> also for simulating hard-to-test environments (like bare
> +                                                board debugging).
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              A Bug-Trapper infrastructure
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                We very often have bugs
> that can't be reproduced locally.  So having a bug-report-trapper
> +                                                that can gather enough
> information from the
> +                                                surroundings of a bug so
> that we can replay the session locally would be a big help
> +                                                tracking down issues in
> this situation.  This is tricky because you
> +                                                can't necessarily require
> folks to leak information about their code in order to
> +                                                file bug reports.  So not
> only will you have to figure out what state to gather,
> +                                                you're also going to have
> to anonymize it somehow.  But we very often have bugs
> +                                                from people that can't
> reduce the problem to a simple test case and can't give us
> +                                                our code, and we often
> just can't help them as things stand now.  Note that adding
> +                                                the ProcessMock would be
> a good first stage towards this, since you could make a ProcessMock
> +                                                creator/serializer from
> the current lldb state.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Expression parser needs
> syntax for "{symbol,type} A in CU B.cpp" etc.
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                Sometimes you need to
> specify non-visible or ambiguous types to the expression parser.
> +                                                We were planning to do
> $b_dot_cpp$A or something like.  You might want to specify a
> +                                                static in a function, in
> a source file, or in a shared library.  So the syntax should
> +                                                support all these.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Add a "testButDontAbort"
> style test to the UnitTest framework.
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                The way we use unittest
> now (maybe this is the only way it can work, I don't know)
> +                                                you can't report a real
> failure and continue with the test.  That is appropriate
> +                                                in some cases: if I'm
> supposed to hit breakpoint A before I evaluate an expression,
> +                                                and don't hit breakpoint
> A, the test should fail.  But it means that if I want to
> +                                                test five different
> expressions, I can either do it in one test, which is good
> +                                                because it means I only
> have to fire up one process, attach to it, and get it to
> +                                                a certain point.  But it
> also means if the first test fails, the other four don't
> +                                                even get run.  So though
> at first we wrote a bunch of test like this, as time went
> +                                                on we switched more to
> writing "one at a time" tests because they were more robust
> +                                                against a single
> failure.  That makes the test suite run much more slowly.  It
> +                                                would be great to add a
> "test_but_dont_abort" variant of the tests, then we could
> +                                                gang tests that all drive
> to the same place and do similar things.  As an added
> +                                                benefit, it would allow
> us to be more thorough in writing tests, since each
> +                                                test would have lower
> costs.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Unify Watchpoint's &
> Breakpoints.
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                Option handling isn't
> shared, and more importantly the PerformAction's have a lot
> +                                                of duplicated common
> code, most of which works less well on the Watchpoint side.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Reverse debugging.
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                This is kind of a holy
> grail, it's hard to support for complex apps (many
> +                                                threads, shared memory,
> etc.)  But it would be SO nice to have...
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Non-stop debugging.
> +
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                By this I mean allowing
> some threads in the target program to run while stopping
> +                                                other threads.  This is
> supported in name in lldb at present, but lldb makes the
> +                                                assumption "If I get a
> stop, I won't get another stop unless I actually run the
> +                                                program." in a bunch of
> places so getting it to work reliably will be some a
> +                                                good bit of work.  And
> figuring out how to present this in the UI will also be tricky.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +
> +                                            <li>
> +                                              Fix and continue.
> +                                              <p>
> +                                                We did this in gdb
> without a real JIT.  The implementation shouldn't be that hard,
> +                                                especially if you can
> build the executable for fix and continue.  The tricky part is
> +                                                how to verify that the
> user can only do the kinds of fixes that are safe to do.
> +                                                No changing object sizes
> is easy to detect, but there were many more subtle changes
> +                                                (function you are fixing
> is on the stack...) that take more work to prevent.
> +                                                And then you have to
> explain these conditions the user in some helpful way.
> +                                              </p>
> +                                            </li>
> +                                          </ol>
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