jroelofs added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D30844#698294, @zturner wrote:

> The test suite is full of flakiness, but as long as it's the same before and 
> after your change, it doesn't seem like anything is broken.

Results are pretty much the same, with 1 or 2 twinkling tests (couldn't say 
which ones it is though: I'm not at all familiar with lldb's test harness).


  Test Result Summary
  Test Methods:       1897
  Reruns:               14
  Success:             877
  Expected Failure:    109
  Failure:             306
  Error:                21
  Exceptional Exit:      0
  Unexpected Success:   15
  Skip:                568
  Timeout:               1
  Expected Timeout:      0


  Test Result Summary
  Test Methods:       1897
  Reruns:               14
  Success:             876
  Expected Failure:    108
  Failure:             307
  Error:                21
  Exceptional Exit:      0
  Unexpected Success:   16
  Skip:                568
  Timeout:               1
  Expected Timeout:      0


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