aprantl added a comment.

> I am not sure this actually creates enough separation.

That's a good point. If I manage to extract the testname somehow via Python 
reflection magic, I could also get rid of the unintuitive self.mydir tuple. 
I'll give that a try.

Comment at: 
             (_COMP_DIR_SYM_LINK_PROP, pwd_symlink))
-        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line(self, self.src_path, self.line)
+        src_path = self.getBuildArtifact(_SRC_FILE)
+        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line(self, src_path, self.line)
xiaobai wrote:
> Instead of making a temporary variable `src_path` that gets used once in each 
> instance, why not just insert `self.getBuildArtifact(_SRC_FILE)` directly 
> into `lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line()`?
While most tests have their sources in the source directory, some use generated 
source file, which are located in the build directory, so that is unfortunately 
not an option.

Comment at: packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lldbinline.py:96-98
+            return "-N dwarf %s" % (testdir)
+            return "-N dsym %s" % (testdir)
labath wrote:
> xiaobai wrote:
> > Good opportunity to move away from the old style of formatting strings to a 
> > newer style? It doesn't make a huge difference, I just think it'd be nice 
> > to do. :)
> > `return "-N dwarf {}".format(testdir)`
> > `return "-N dwarf {}".format(testdir)`
> > 
> > This is supported in Python 2.7, but I'm not sure if we can assume that 
> > version or greater to be present.
> 2.7 is definitely fine, and we use `{}` format in plently of places already. 
> (But I don't have any beef with the %s format either).
In this case I think this should just be `return "-N dsym " + testdir`


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