jingham added a comment.

The current auto-completer tests aren't interactive - they do exactly the same 
thing your command does, but from Python.  It's fine if you want to add tests 
but please don't remove the current tests since they directly test what the SB 
clients use.

This will only allow you to test some of the auto-completers, for instance you 
don't have symbols so you can't test the symbol completer.  But since the 
symbol commands in this lldb-test have some way to feed symbols in maybe you 
can crib that.  I think you'll also need to make a target and some other bits 
as well.  As you start adding these you might find that this becomes onerous, 
but that will be an interesting experiment.

You didn't get the HandleCompletion API quite right.  That's my fault this 
isn't well documented.  The way it works is that if all the potential matches 
share a common substring, then the 0th element of the result contains the 
common substring.  If there is no common substring, then the possible matches 
will be stored from element 1 on in the Results list.  If you want examples 
take a closer look at how the Python test does it.


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